Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Transport Engineering and Environment Laboratory, Mentouri University Constantine, Constantine, Algeria

2 Faculty of Textiles - Leather and Industrial Management, The"Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iaşi, Iaşi, Romania


This article describes the process of improving risk management practices in a foundry of the ALFET Company (Algeria). The proposed methodology is based on the decision matrix risk assessment technique. This technique allows making a risk assessment for each source of risk (machine, man, environment, and management), which leads to the determination of the overall risk rate during the activity by a new concept. The latter giving a comprehensive vision of occupational health and safety, and compares it with the ALARP principle to determine the acceptability of risk. The main goal of this work is to inculcate a culture on the effects of changing behaviors and attitudes, to disseminate the culture of continuous and sustainable progress within the enterprise, and to ensure that a good atmosphere is maintained in the workplace. It aims to protect and promote the health and safety of workers and the working environment in order to promote a safe and sustainable development company. Our work shows that the working environment is tolerable in terms of health and safety at work. However, to promote a safe and sustainable development in company, an action plan based on the evaluation of the field and feedback through priority actions is recommended for continuous improvement in OSH. Toward the workplace should be continuously monitored to detect risk factors as early as possible before they have negative effects.


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