Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Mining Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology

2 Iranian Space Research Center, Tehran, Iran

3 Iranian Space Research Center


In this study, with the aim of identifying alteration zones related to the porphyry copper system, satellite images are processed in study area (the Zafarghand exploration area) in the NE of Isfahan. For this purpose, one of the common methods of separating geochemical anomalies from the background, i.e. fractal Concentration-Number (C-N) model, has been employed. The C-N fractal model will normally be implemented on geochemical samples. While in this study, the digital number values belonging to the pixels of the ASTER sensor image are considered as a systematic sample network and also as input for this model. The output of this processing has been prepared in the form of maps of promising areas of the Zafarghand region. The correspondence of the resulting maps with the alteration map of the region shows that applying the proposed method in determining the propylitic and phyllic alteration zones has had acceptable performance. Finally, with the help of the aforementioned proposed method, a map of the promising areas of the study area has been prepared, and based on that, new zones of alterations have been introduced in the region.


Main Subjects