Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Mining in Arak university of Technology

2 Department of Mining Engineering, Arak University of Technology, Arak, Iran


Chogan region is located in the west of the Urmia-Dokhtar volcanic belt and northwest of the Markazi province in Komijan City. Copper mineralization has a vein type with a length of 260 meters and an average thickness of 4 meters. Mineralization was taken in a sheared silica vein. Eighty three samples were taken from the surface ground, in the trenches and it determined the concentration of 10 elements such as Fe, Al, Ca, Ba, S, Mn, As, Pb, Zn, and Cu. It was determined, that S, Ba, Mn, Fe, and Cu are secondary elements in the tuffs by the method of factor and cluster analysis. The constituent mineral such as barite and malachite are vein-shaped, but iron oxides such as hematite and goethite in the form of iron gossan. Geochemical, mineralogical, and geophysical (IP/RS) indices were investigated to separate copper oxide and copper sulfide zones. Sulfur and Ba were used in barite and excess S was chosen as sulfide index (Is). Chalcopyrite and metal factor were chosen as separating oxide and sulfide zones. By combining the geochemical and metal factor, it was approximated the apparent sulfide zone depth and confirmed with actual depth in borehole and error was less than 12%.


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