Document Type : Case Study
1 PhD student in Mining exploration, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman
2 Associate Professor - Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
In this work, various methods for evaluating recoverable reserves including estimation techniques and conditional simulation have been compared in the Miduk copper deposit using data from 55,119 blast holes and 6,178 composite samples from exploratory drillings in the supergene and hypogene zones, with a block model constructed for the analysis. Four methods were employed: UC, LUC, DCSBG, and SGS. The correlation coefficients for UC, DCSBG, and SGS methods in the supergene zone, as well as the results from extraction drill holes (extraction blocks) at a cut-off grade of 0.15%, were 0.637, 0.527, and 0.556, and the correlation coefficient for calculating tonnage and the metal content using UC was 0.364 and 0.629, respectively. For the hypogene zone, the correlation coefficients for metal content at a cut-off grade of 0.15% were 0.778, 0.788, and 0.790 for UC, DCSBG, and SGS, and at a cut-off grade of 0.65%, they were 0.328, 0.431, and 0.458, respectively. By employing The LUC method in the supergene zone with a change in SMU and comparing the results obtained from the E-Type map, the performance of this method is higher across all cut-off grades. As the cut-off grade increases in the hypogene zone, the performance of the LUC method relative to simulation methods decreases. The LUC method can be used to observe the impact of the convergence of results obtained from this method with real data from low-grade to high-grade sections, highlighting the necessity of differentiating this zone into low and high-grade segments during the estimation process.
- Recoverable reserves
- Sequential Gaussian simulation
- Direct Conditional Simulation with Block Grade
- Uniform conditioning
- Localized Uniform conditioning
Main Subjects