Document Type : Review Paper


Department of Architecture and Planning, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India


This study examines the revitalization of mining ghost towns (MGTs) through heritage tourism, focusing on sustainability and heritage preservation. The study highlights the transformative potential of heritage tourism in revitalizing these towns, highlighting the economic resilience achieved through diversified local economies and responsible tourism practices. Cultural preservation ensures the endurance of unique identities and cultural legacies, sparking community pride and cultural exchange. Sustainability measures extend beyond heritage preservation, promoting environmental stewardship and long-term ecological well-being. Community engagement, educational initiatives, and responsible tourism practices are crucial in sustaining the heritage of these towns. The implications extend beyond individual communities, offering a model for responsible and sustainable tourism practices with global relevance. The significance of revitalizing MGTs through heritage tourism lies in preserving history, empowering communities, and creating vibrant, sustainable destinations for generations.


Main Subjects

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