Alireza Dolatshahi; Ali Nouri Qarahasanlou
Engineers use various methods to evaluate the performance of concrete structures under dynamic loads, including numerical simulations, laboratory experiments, and field tests. By combining the results of these methods, the engineers can develop a comprehensive understanding of the behavior of concrete ...
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Engineers use various methods to evaluate the performance of concrete structures under dynamic loads, including numerical simulations, laboratory experiments, and field tests. By combining the results of these methods, the engineers can develop a comprehensive understanding of the behavior of concrete structures under dynamic loads and use this information to design more resilient structures capable of withstanding these loads. In this work, four models of the concrete lining of the circular tunnel are simulated to investigate the effect of the pre-cracked in the tunnel's concrete lining under an internal explosion loading. A crack in three different locations at angles of 0, 45, and 90 on the horizontal axis of the tunnel is investigated and analyzed. The coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian method and the constitutive behavior, such as concrete damage plasticity for concrete and Drucker-Prager for soil, allows a more accurate simulation of the internal explosion loading scenario. The selection of Trinitrotoluene and the Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of state for the explosive provides a realistic representation of the behavior of the explosive material. The modeling results show that in an internal explosion, by examining three different locations of a crack in the concrete, the occurrence of a crack in the crown of the tunnel is more critical than two crack locations. Hence, the existence of a crack with a length of 100 cm and a depth of 15 cm in the crown of the tunnel increases the tensile damage zone by 16.59% compared to the case where there is no crack.
M. Hemmatian; B. Tokhmchi; V. Rasouli; R. Gholami
A good knowledge of the parameters causing casing damage is critically important due to vital role of casing during the life of a well. Cement sheath, which fills in the gap between the casing and wellbore wall, has a profound effect on the resistance of the casing against applied loads. Most of the ...
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A good knowledge of the parameters causing casing damage is critically important due to vital role of casing during the life of a well. Cement sheath, which fills in the gap between the casing and wellbore wall, has a profound effect on the resistance of the casing against applied loads. Most of the empirical equations proposed to estimate the collapse resistance of casing ignore the effects of the cement sheath on collapse resistance and rather assume uniform loading on the casing. This paper aims to use numerical modeling to show how a bad cementing job may lead to casing damage. Two separate cases were simulated where the differences between good and bad cementation on casing resistance were studied. In both cases, the same values of stresses were applied at the outer boundary of the models. The results revealed that a good cementing job can provide a perfect sheath against the tangential stress induced by far-field stresses and reduce the chance of casing to be damaged.