Mineral Processing
M. Diab; M. Abu El Ghar; I. Mohamed Gaafar; A. H. Mohamed El Shafey; A. Wageh Hussein; M. Mohamed Fawzy
In this work we are concerned with the potentiality of using mineral processing for raising the grade of the valuable heavy minerals (VHMs) from the Quaternary stream sediments of Wadi and Delta Sermatai located on the southern coast of the Red Sea, Egypt. A rigorous understanding of the chemical and ...
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In this work we are concerned with the potentiality of using mineral processing for raising the grade of the valuable heavy minerals (VHMs) from the Quaternary stream sediments of Wadi and Delta Sermatai located on the southern coast of the Red Sea, Egypt. A rigorous understanding of the chemical and mineralogical characteristics of the studied samples is a prerequisite for the selection and development of the physical processing used in order to produce a high-grade concentrate. For this purpose, the grain size distribution analysis, heavy liquid separation tests as well as XRF, and SEM analysis are performed. The magnetite, ilmenite, garnet, zircon, rutile, apatite, sphene, pyrolusite, celestine, and heavy green silicates are the valuable heavy minerals recorded in the studied samples; but their quantity varies between Wadi and Delta. The upgrading experiments are performed via a shaking table in conjunction with the low and high-intensity magnetic separator in order to obtain the high-grade concentrates from the valuable heavy minerals, and after applying the optimum separation conditions, the total heavy mineral (THM) assay increase from 8.32% to 46.04% for Wadi Sermatai, while for Delta Sermatai increase from 8.37% to 50.13% into 8.89% and 9.59%, respectively, by mass yield. The THM recovery values reach 66.84% for Wadi Sermatai and 67.23% for Delta Sermatai. After the results of the chemical analysis of the concentrates, it is proved that the Sermatai area is considered as a potential source for some economic elements such as Fe, Ti, Zn, Zr, Cr, V, and Sr.
Mineral Processing
P. Karimi; A. Khodadadi Darban; Z. Mansourpour
Low-intensity magnetic separators are widely used in the research works and the industry. Advancement in the magnetic separation techniques has led to an expansion in the application of this method in different fields such as enrichment of magnetic mineral, wastewater treatment, and medicine transfer ...
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Low-intensity magnetic separators are widely used in the research works and the industry. Advancement in the magnetic separation techniques has led to an expansion in the application of this method in different fields such as enrichment of magnetic mineral, wastewater treatment, and medicine transfer in the human body. In the mineral processing industry, the main application of wet magnetic separation is via drum separators. The design of this separator is based on drum rotation inside a tank media, where a permanent magnet placed inside the drum as an angle form produces a magnetic field. In the present work, the magnetic variables involved (magnetic flux density, intensity of magnetic field, and gradient of magnetic field intensity) were simulated in the drum wet low-intensity magnetic separator using the finite element method and a COMSOL Multiphysics simulator; these variables were further validated through the measured data. A comparison between the simulation and laboratory measurements (of the magnetic field) showed that the mean value of the simulation error in 94 points in 2 sections was equal to 9.6%. Furthermore, the maximum simulation error in the middle of the magnets, as the most important part of the magnetic field distribution in the process of magnetic separation, was in the 6th direction and equal to 7.8%. Therefore, the performed simulation can be applied as a first step to design and construct more advanced magnetics separators.
M. Moghise; M. Pourrahim; B. Rezai; M. Gharabaghi
This study aims to investigate and optimize the effects of the main parameters including the particle size, gravity and magnetic separation combination, high gradient magnetic separation, magnetic field intensity, shaking table slope, washing water flow, and electrostatic separation upon the rare earth ...
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This study aims to investigate and optimize the effects of the main parameters including the particle size, gravity and magnetic separation combination, high gradient magnetic separation, magnetic field intensity, shaking table slope, washing water flow, and electrostatic separation upon the rare earth element (REE) recoveries from iron mine waste. The electron microprobe showed that high amounts of REEs were distributed on the fluorapatite mineral, and hence, it was necessary to remove the high magnetic minerals by a low-intensity magnetic separation using a magnetic drum in an experimental procedure. A cyclic magnetic separator was used for the low-gradient magnetic separation. Moreover, a shaking table and an electrostatic separator were used to expand the recovery and grade of REEs. A combination of these methods was considered to optimize the REE recoveries based on the best combination including two steps of low magnetic separation, one step of medium intensity magnetic separation, a shaking table, and an electrostatic separator. Two low-intensity magnetic of 800 and 2000 gauss, one medium-intensity magnetic of 8000 gauss, a one-step shaking table with a water flow of 90 mL/s and a table slope of 3 degree, and one electrostatic separator of 25000 V with a blade angel of 20 degree had the best performance to separate REEs. The microscopic studies carried out showed that the monazite degree of freedom was between 75 and 105 micron. The results obtained showed that a particle size of ‒75 + 63 micron was a proper one to separate REEs. The total recovery and grade of the REE (Ce, La, Nd, Er, and Gd) concentrate obtained from the sample with a grade of 1499 ppm of REEs were 67.1 and 1.2%, respectively, at the optimum conditions. The results obtained showed that there was a direct relation between the phosphor grade and the REE recoveries, and that the REE recoveries increased by increasing the quantity of phosphor.