Document Type : Review Paper


1 Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Mohali, Punjab, India

2 Department of Civil Engineering Chandigarh University

3 Chandigarh University



Landslides affecting life and property losses has become a serious threat in various countries worldwide which highlights the importance of slope stability and mitigation. The methods and tools employed for slope stability analysis, ranging from traditional limit equilibrium methods to worldly-wise numerical modeling techniques. It focuses on the importance of accurate and reliable data collection, including geotechnical investigations, in developing precise slope stability assessments. Further, it also addresses challenges associated with predicting and mitigating slope failures, particularly in dynamic and complex environments. Mitigation strategies for unstable slopes were systematically reviewed of different researchers, encompassing both traditional and innovative measures. Traditional methods, such as retaining walls and drainage systems, the mitigation strategies were explored, emphasizing both preventive measures and remedial interventions. These include the implementation of engineering solutions such as slope structures, and Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB) techniques along with the comprehensive analysis of four prominent slope stability assessment tools: Rock Mass Rating (RMR), Slope Mass Rating (SMR), and the Limit Equilibrium Method (LEM). The comparative analysis of these tools highlights their respective strengths, limitations, and areas of application, providing researchers, authors, and practitioners with valuable insights to make informed choices based on project-specific requirements. To ensure the safety and sustainability of civil infrastructure, a thorough understanding of geological, geotechnical, and environmental factors in combination with cutting-edge technologies is required. Furthermore, it highlights the important role that slope stability assessment and mitigation play a major role in civil engineering for infrastructure development and mitigation strategies.


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