Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Mining Engineering, Urmia University of Technology, Urmia, Iran

2 Faculty of Mining Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran


In recent years, hyperspectral data have been widely used in earth sciences because these data provide accurate spectral information of the earth's surface. This research aims to apply match filtering (MF) on Hyperion hyperspectral imagery for mapping alteration mineral in the Astarghan area, NW Iran. Astarghan is located in the northwest of Iran where deposits of low-sulfide gold-bearing ore rocks occur as veins and stockworks. Therefore, at first, the Astarghan Hyperion scene was topographically and atmospherically corrected. Then, the data quality was surveyed to recognize bad bands and improve the accuracy of the subsequent processing steps. In MF analysis, it is a challenge to separate MF abundance images to target and background pixels. Therefore, to cope with this challenge, a moving threshold technique is proposed. The results indicated three indicative minerals including kaolinite, opal and jarosite. Then, the results were statistically verified by virtual verification and geological data. The verification was performed virtually using United States Geological Survey (USGS) spectral library data, which showed an agreement of 78.06%. Moreover, a comparison of the MF analysis results showed a good agreement with field investigations and overlaying with a detailed geological map of the study area. Finally, in this study the X-ray diffraction (XRD) of three indicative mineral samples was used to check the efficiency of the applied method. 


Main Subjects

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