Document Type : Review Paper


1 Department of Earth Sciences and Environment, Faculty of Science and Technology, The National University of Malaysia, Malaysia

2 Geological Department, Faculty of Science, University of Zintan, Libya

3 Geothermal Resources SDN BHD, Malaysia

4 Department of Earth Science and Environment, Faculty of Science and Technology, National University of Malaysia, Malaysia


More than sixty thermal springs have been detected across Peninsular Malaysia, with about 75% conveniently located in easily accessible areas. The potential for thermal energy growth has been recognized at four hot spring localities: Lojing, Dusun Tua, Ulu Slim, and Sungai Klah. This article analyses Peninsular Malaysia's geothermal development's geological, geochemical, and geophysical research to assess its appropriateness and performance. The geological data provide insights into the structural characteristics and spatial distribution of thermal springs within the studied area. Geochemical studies measure reservoir temperatures, revealing the highest recorded temperature exceeds 189°C. The review shows that the hot springs are derived from a recharge region linked to high-altitude topography, with their source being meteoric water. Several geophysical techniques, such as transient electromagnet (TEM), gravity, land and satellite magnetic, ground penetration radar (GPR), seismic, resistivity, and induced polarization (IP), have been employed to examine the geothermal system in Malaysia. The sole magnetotelluric (MT) investigation at Ulu Slim deviates from this pattern. The source suggests uncertainty regarding accuracy related to station distance, highlighting these concerns. Most studies indicate that magma intrusion is the most likely heat source. To offer a comprehensive understanding of Peninsular Malaysia's geothermal potential, this study reviews previous research and presents a feasible model that incorporates all current facts.


Main Subjects

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