Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

2 Lassonde Institute of Mining, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada


This study introduces a novel approach, known as Hybrid Probabilistic Slope Stability Analysis (HPSSA), tailored for Mine 4 of the Gol-E-Gohar iron complex in Iran. The mine walls are first divided into 8 separate structural zones, including A-A' to H-H' sections for slope stability analysis. Then, sufficient core specimens are prepared from 22 drilled boreholes and the required parameters for slope design, including cohesion (c), friction angle (φ), and unit weight (γ), are measured. Finally, the HPSSA approach is performed through the combination of Monte Carlo simulation (MCS), Mohr-Coulomb criterion and Bishop's technique. According to the HPSSA results, the normal distribution function is achieved as the best curve fit for c, φ and γ parameters. Also, the obtained values of mean probabilistic safety factor (SF) for defined structural zones vary from 0.93 to 1.86, with the probability of failure (PF) of 0 to 75.6%. Moreover, SF values varied from 0.68 to 1.22 (mean value of 0.93) with a PF of 75% for the A-A' section and from 0.65 to 1.24 (mean value of 0.97) with a PF of 60% for the H-H' section. Hence, it is concluded that the A-A' section and mine’s north wall are more prone to instability with PF>60%. On the other hand, SF>1.2 and PF<5% for other mine walls (sections B-B'-G-G') prove that they are highly unlikely to be unstable. Displacement monitoring of the pit walls using installed prisms confirmed that average displacements in structural zones have a similar trend with SF values of the HPSSA. The results show a good agreement between the trend of probabilistic SFs and monitored slope displacements. Lastly, comparative analysis confirmed the validity of the suggested HPSSA approach with relatively higher accuracy than most previous slope stability analysis methods.


Main Subjects

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