Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Mining department, engineering Faculty, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran

2 School of Mining, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran


This study aimed to develop a model to illustrate the migration of petroleum hydrocarbons that penetrate the underground environment due to leakage from storage tanks located below the surface.The transport model for non-aqueous phase liquids was integrated with contaminant transport models in two dimensions to forecast the contamination of groundwater and soil-gas resulting from the migration of light non-aqueous phase liquids on the water surface. The finite volume method was employed to obtain numerical solutions. The findings indicated that evaporation significantly influences the migration of non-aqueous phase liquids. The soluble plume's production and movement were impacted by the geological features of the location and the existence of the free phase plume. Comparing the model predictions and the results from the field studies for the thickness of non-aqueous phase liquids plume over water indicates a good agreement between the results of the two methods with an average error of less than 5%. The maximum thickness of non-aqueous phase liquids plume between 7 and 7.5 meters was obtained at a distance of 2250 meters from the beginning of the investigated profile. Although 36 years have passed since the leakage occurred, a significant amount of the spilled mass still remained in the non-aqueous phase liquids. The prolonged migration of non-aqueous phase liquids over this time period has led to the contamination of groundwater and the accumulation of significant quantities of contaminated soil.


Main Subjects

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