Masoud Monjezi; Morteza Baghestani; Peyman Afzal; Ali Reza Yarahmadi Bafghi; Seyyed Ali Hashemi
Blasting is an essential operation in mining projects, significantly affecting the particle-size distribution, which is critical for subsequent processes such as loading, hauling, and milling. Effectiveness of the blasting operations rely on accurate rock characterization, especially when dealing with ...
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Blasting is an essential operation in mining projects, significantly affecting the particle-size distribution, which is critical for subsequent processes such as loading, hauling, and milling. Effectiveness of the blasting operations rely on accurate rock characterization, especially when dealing with different rock types. Proper rock and fragmentation characterization allows for tailored blast designs and also can lead to precise predictions of fragmentation quality. Various characterization techniques exist. This paper examines the application of fractal analysis to classify fragmentation quality and rock types, utilizing the Choghart iron mine in Iran as a case study. Extensive fieldwork collected data on rock properties (uniaxial compressive strength and density) and fragmentation outcomes during blasting. The fractal modeling revealed distinct breakpoints for classification, followed by Logratio analysis to assess relationships among the identified classes. Finally, mathematical models were established to predict fragmentation features based on the relevant rock attributes. The models demonstrated improved predictive accuracy as compared to the prior classifications.
Pooria Kianoush; Ghodratollah Mohammadi; Seyed Aliakbar Hosseini; Nasser Keshavazr Faraj Khah; Peyman Afzal
In the seismic methods, estimation of the formation pressures is obtained by converting the seismic velocity to the pore pressure, and comparing it with the effective pressure during the well-test program. This work is a new challenge regarding the velocity study domain in an oil field in SW Iran. The ...
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In the seismic methods, estimation of the formation pressures is obtained by converting the seismic velocity to the pore pressure, and comparing it with the effective pressure during the well-test program. This work is a new challenge regarding the velocity study domain in an oil field in SW Iran. The reservoir generally consists of carbonate rocks, and contains no shale interbeds. Here, 23 well information, seismic data interpretation, compressional (Vp), and shear velocity (Vs) models are implemented. The models are determined from the combined geo-statistical methods, and the results obtained are compared with the fractal models. The final Vs cube is modeled in order to determine the formation fracture pressure using the exploratory well cores and dipole sonic imager (DSI) Vs logs with a correlation coefficient of 0.95 for the Vs data obtained from the porosity, lithology, and primary DSI data. The vertical seismic profiling (VSP) data introduce a maximum interval velocity of 2760-2900 m/s in the field related to the Gotnia formation. The final amounts of seismic acoustic impedance inversion (AI) at the bottom of the field are mostly in the range of 8000-15000 [(m/s)*(g/cm3)], which can be related to the calcareous formations. Based on the Logratio matrix obtained from the fractal velocity-volume (Vp-V) model, the maximum overall accuracy (OA) in the dominant limestone intervals is 0.74. It indicates a high correlation of the Vp cube model obtained from the combination of sequential Gaussian simulation (SGS) and co-kriging models with AI. The uncertainty studies of Vp model in blind wells are about 50%, which is acceptable considering the large well numbers.
M. M. Pourgholam; P. Afzal; A. Adib; K. Rahbar; M. Gholinejad
Signal analysis approaches are a powerful and widely used tool in processing multi-spectral satellite images for detection of alteration zones. The main goal of this work is application of the spectrum-area fractal methodology based on the Landsat 8 OLI satellite images’ data for separation alteration ...
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Signal analysis approaches are a powerful and widely used tool in processing multi-spectral satellite images for detection of alteration zones. The main goal of this work is application of the spectrum-area fractal methodology based on the Landsat 8 OLI satellite images’ data for separation alteration zones for iron oxides at the Tarom region (NW Iran). These alteration zones, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and Normalized Difference Water Index (NWDI) are detected using the band-ratio and band combination methods. Then the calculated values are categorized by Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM), k-means, and S-A fractal model. Considering a positive correlation of iron oxides alterations along with magnetite mineralization as an index of mineralization at the studied region, the promising areas are classified by a decision-making model using the TOPSIS method with an acceptable accuracy for presenting in the exploration models.
F. Mirsepahvand; M.R. Jafari; P. Afzal; M. A. Arian
The goal of this research work is to recognize the metallic mineralization potential in the Ahar 1:100,000 sheet (NW Iran) using the remote sensing data based on determination of the alteration zones. This area is located in the Ahar-Arasbaran metallogenic zone as a significant metallogenic zone in Iran ...
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The goal of this research work is to recognize the metallic mineralization potential in the Ahar 1:100,000 sheet (NW Iran) using the remote sensing data based on determination of the alteration zones. This area is located in the Ahar-Arasbaran metallogenic zone as a significant metallogenic zone in Iran and Caucasus. In this research work, the Landsat-7 ETM+ and advanced space borne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER) multispectral remote sensing data was interpreted by the least square fit (LS-Fit), spectral angle mapper (SAM), and matched filtering (MF) algorithms in order to detect the alteration zones associated with the metallic mineralization. The results obtained by these methods show that there are index-altered minerals for the argillic, silicification, advanced argillic, propylitic, and phyllic alteration zones. The main altered areas are situated in the SE, NE, and central parts of this region.
N. R. Ahmadi; P. Afzal; A. B. Yasrebi
This work aims to classify the gas content zones for coking coal deposits using a Number-Size (N-S) fractal modeling considering the explosive and free gas data. The case study is the C1 coking coal seam in the Parvadeh-4 coal deposit in the central Iran. Following this, the N-S log-log plots are created, ...
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This work aims to classify the gas content zones for coking coal deposits using a Number-Size (N-S) fractal modeling considering the explosive and free gas data. The case study is the C1 coking coal seam in the Parvadeh-4 coal deposit in the central Iran. Following this, the N-S log-log plots are created, which indicate three populations regarding both the explosive and gas data exist. Proper zones for both data in the C1 coking coal seam have explosive and free gas contents lower than 9.5 m3/ton and 1.3 m3/ton, respectively. The low-value gas content zone is located in the western part of the studied area, which is in the lowest depth of this coal seam. In addition, a high-value content zone exists in the E, NE, and SW parts of this area with explosive and free gas contents higher than 13.8 m3/ton and 2.2 m3/ton, respectively. These parts of the C1 seam are dangerous due to a high volume of gas content. Moreover, the explosive and free gas contents have a positive correlation with high risk gas volume based on the famous standards.
K. Tolouei; E. Moosavi; A.H. Bangian Tabrizi; P. Afzal; A. Aghajani Bazzazi
It is significant to discover a global optimization in the problems dealing with large dimensional scales to increase the quality of decision-making in the mining operation. It has been broadly confirmed that the long-term production scheduling (LTPS) problem performs a main role in mining projects to ...
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It is significant to discover a global optimization in the problems dealing with large dimensional scales to increase the quality of decision-making in the mining operation. It has been broadly confirmed that the long-term production scheduling (LTPS) problem performs a main role in mining projects to develop the performance regarding the obtainability of constraints, while maximizing the whole profits of the project in a specific period. There is a requirement for improving the scheduling methodologies to get a good solution since the production scheduling problems are non-deterministic polynomial-time hard. The current paper introduces the hybrid models so as to solve the LTPS problem under the condition of grade uncertainty with the contribution of Lagrangian relaxation (LR), particle swarm optimization (PSO), firefly algorithm (FA), and bat algorithm (BA). In fact, the LTPS problem is solved under the condition of grade uncertainty. It is proposed to use the LR technique on the LTPS problem and develop its performance, speeding up the convergence. Furthermore, PSO, FA, and BA are projected to bring up-to-date the Lagrangian multipliers. The consequences of the case study specifies that the LR method is more influential than the traditional linearization method to clarify the large-scale problem and make an acceptable solution. The results obtained point out that a better presentation is gained by LR–FA in comparison with LR-PSO, LR-BA, LR-Genetic Algorithm (GA), and traditional methods in terms of the summation net present value. Moreover, the CPU time by the LR-FA method is approximately 16.2% upper than the other methods.
M. Mirzaie; P. Afzal; A. Adib; E. Rahimi; Gh. Mohammadi
Detection of mineralized zones based on ores and gangues is important for mine planning and excavation operation. The major goal of this research work was to determine the zones based on ores and gangues by a combination of fractal and factor analysis in the Chah Gaz iron ore (Central Iran). The Concentration-Volume ...
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Detection of mineralized zones based on ores and gangues is important for mine planning and excavation operation. The major goal of this research work was to determine the zones based on ores and gangues by a combination of fractal and factor analysis in the Chah Gaz iron ore (Central Iran). The Concentration-Volume (C-V) fractal method was carried out for Fe, P and S, which indicated that the main mineralized zones consisted of the Fe, S, and P values ≥ 57%, ≤ 0.4%, and ≤0.3%, respectively. Factor analysis categorized variables in two groups including factor 1 (F1) and factor 2 (F2) for ore and gangue, respectively. The C-V fractal modeling on the derived factors showed four zones for F1 and F2. Based on the correlation among the results of fractal modeling on the elements and factors, the first and second zones of F1 were proper for exploitation. Furthermore, the last and first zones of F1 and F2 could be assumed as the main waste for mining excavation.
P. Afzal; M. Yusefi; M. Mirzaie; E. Ghadiri-Sufi; S. Ghasemzadeh; L. Daneshvar Saein
The aim of this work was to delineate the prospects of podiform-type chromite by staged factor analysis and geochemical mineralization prospectivity index in Balvard area, SE Iran. The stream sediment data and fault density were used as the exploration features for prospectivity modeling in the studied ...
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The aim of this work was to delineate the prospects of podiform-type chromite by staged factor analysis and geochemical mineralization prospectivity index in Balvard area, SE Iran. The stream sediment data and fault density were used as the exploration features for prospectivity modeling in the studied area. In this regard, two continuous fuzzified evidence layers were generated and integrated using fuzzy operator. Then fractal modeling was used for defuzzification of the prospectivity model obtained. Furthermore, the prediction-area plot was used for evaluation of the predictive ability of the generated target areas. The results obtained showed that using the prospectivity model, 82% of mineral occurrences was predicted in 18% of the studied area. In addition, the target areas were correlated with the geological particulars including ultrabasic and serpentinization rocks, the host rocks of the podiform-type chromite deposit type.
P. Afzal
Finding a proper estimation method for ore resources/reserves is important in mining engineering. The aim of this work is to compare the Ordinary Kriging (OK) and Advanced Inverse Distance Squared (AIDS) methods based on the correlation between the raw and estimated data in the East-Parvadeh coal deposit, ...
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Finding a proper estimation method for ore resources/reserves is important in mining engineering. The aim of this work is to compare the Ordinary Kriging (OK) and Advanced Inverse Distance Squared (AIDS) methods based on the correlation between the raw and estimated data in the East-Parvadeh coal deposit, central Iran. The variograms and anisotropic ellipsoids are calculated to estimate the ash and sulfur distributions by the IDS and OK methods. The results obtained by these techniques show that their correlation coefficients are similar for the raw and estimated data. However, the statistical parameters obtained by the AIDS method are better based on the ash and sulfur means, although the variance of these variables is lower according to the OK method. The results obtained indicate that the AIDS method yields more reliable results than the OK method.
H. Khalili; P. Afzal
The main goal of this research work was to detect the different Cu mineralized zones in the Sungun porphyry deposit in NW Iran using the Spectrum-Volume (S-V) fractal modeling based on the sub-surface data for this deposit. This operation was carried out on an estimated Cu block model based on a Fast ...
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The main goal of this research work was to detect the different Cu mineralized zones in the Sungun porphyry deposit in NW Iran using the Spectrum-Volume (S-V) fractal modeling based on the sub-surface data for this deposit. This operation was carried out on an estimated Cu block model based on a Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) using the C++ and MATLAB programing. The S-V log-log plot was generated and six Cu populations were distinguished. Based on the S-V log-log plot obtained, different mineralized zones were detected in the Sungun deposit. Copper mineralized zones in the porphyry and skarn types commenced from 0.12% and 1.3%, respectively. A supergene enrichment zone began form 0.82%; it was located in the eastern part of this deposit. The enriched skarn zones were situated in the eastern and SE parts of the Sungun deposit that overlapped the intersection of cretaceous limestones and porphyry stock. Overlapping between the resulting zones derived via the S-V fractal model and geological zones and evidences were calculated using the logratio matrix, which indicated that the S-V fractal model had proper results for detection of the mineralized zones.