Rock Mechanics
Aref Jaberi; Shokroallah Zare
Unlike the mechanical properties of intact rock, which can be obtained on a laboratory scale, estimating the mechanical properties of the jointed rock mass is very difficult due to the presence of different joints and the complexity of the joints. Therefore, to calculate the mechanical parameters of ...
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Unlike the mechanical properties of intact rock, which can be obtained on a laboratory scale, estimating the mechanical properties of the jointed rock mass is very difficult due to the presence of different joints and the complexity of the joints. Therefore, to calculate the mechanical parameters of the jointed rock mass and use the continuous media theory of the jointed rock mass, it is necessary to calculate the Representative Element Volume (REV) of the rock mass. In this study, the Discrete Element Method (DEM) and the mechanical index of strength were used to investigate the effect of persistent and non-persistent joint angles, as well as model size on the REV in x, y, and z directions. The numerical results showed that by changing the joint angles and side length, both the strength and the REV of the rock mass were affected. The maximum representative side length for the persistent joint in the x and z directions occurred at angles of 60° and 75°, respectively. The minimum strength was obtained for joints in the x and z directions at a 45° angle. Finally, the REV for persistent and non-persistent joints is calculated as 10*0.5*8m and 4*0.5*4m, respectively.
Mineral Processing
Mohammad Jahani Chegeni; Sajad Kolahi; Asghar Azizi
Consumed energy is the most important issue and concern in industrial ball mills, and includes a major part of the costs of mineral processing plants. By using suitable liners and the optimal lifter count, the energy of the mill is properly transferred to the balls. In Part 1 of this research work, five ...
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Consumed energy is the most important issue and concern in industrial ball mills, and includes a major part of the costs of mineral processing plants. By using suitable liners and the optimal lifter count, the energy of the mill is properly transferred to the balls. In Part 1 of this research work, five types of liners, i.e. Lorain, Osborn, Rib, cuboid, and Hi-lo, are examined. These liners all have separate lifters with the same volume. Their difference is in the width, height, and type of lifter profile. First, all types of liners are simulated with four lifters using the Discrete Element Method (DEM). Then the lifter count is increased four by four to fill the entire wall of the mill with lifters. Based on this, Lorain liner from 4 to 24 lifters, Osborn liner from 4 to 120 lifters, Rib liner from 4 to 40 lifters, and cuboid and Hi-lo liners from 4 to 64 lifters are simulated. For the first time, the kinetic (KE) and potential (PE) energies as well as the sum of these two energies (TE) of all the balls are calculated, and compared in the entire duration of the simulation from 0–13s for all the liner types and lifter counts mentioned above. Finally, by using data related to KE, PE, and TE for each type of liner, the optimal lifter count is obtained. Accordingly, 16 to 20 lifters are recommended for the Lorain liner, 64 to 76 lifters for the Osborn liner, 24 to 32 lifters for the Rib liner, 44 lifters for the cuboid liner, and 36 to 44 lifters for the Hi-lo liner.
Mineral Processing
Sajad Kolahi; Mohammad Jahani Chegeni; Asghar Azizi
In Part 2 of this research work, five types of liners, i.e. wave, step, step@, ship-lap, and ship-lap@, are examined. These liners all have similar connected lifters with different volumes. Their difference is in the width, height, and type of the lifter profile. All the five liner types, from 8 to 64 ...
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In Part 2 of this research work, five types of liners, i.e. wave, step, step@, ship-lap, and ship-lap@, are examined. These liners all have similar connected lifters with different volumes. Their difference is in the width, height, and type of the lifter profile. All the five liner types, from 8 to 64 lifters, are simulated using the Discrete Element Method (DEM). In this research work, for the first time, data from the sum of the kinetic and potential energies of individual balls (79,553 particles) are used to find the appropriate range for the number of lifters. In other words, the kinetic and potential energies of all particles within the system (inside the ball mill) are the basis for determining the appropriate number of lifters. The results suggest that for the wave liner, the appropriate range of the number of lifters is between 8 and 16, for the step, step@, and ship-lap liners; it is between 12 and 20, and for the ship-lap@ liner, it is between 8 and 20. In fact, using the data on the kinetic and potential energies of the balls inside the mill, it is possible to determine the appropriate range of the number of lifters, which is done for the first time in this study. In general, it is suggested that the data on the kinetic and potential energies of the balls can be used to determine the number of mill lifters, and unlike what has been done. So far, by other researchers, the number of mill lifters should not be determined solely by using its diameter or the dimensions of the lifters. Also the effect of mill-rotation direction on the values of kinetic and potential energies in step and ship-lap liners is investigated. It is shown that the step@ and ship-lap@ liners transfer more energy to the balls than the step and ship-lap liners, and have a suitable direction of rotation.
Rock Mechanics
Vahab Sarfarazi; Lei Zhou; Hadi Haeri; Parastou Salehipour; Ali Elahi; Ali Moayer; Mohammad Fatehi Marji
The mechanical behavior of rock-rock bolt interface considering the effects of indents’ shape and their number was numerically simulated based on discrete element method using the two-dimensional particle flow code. The conventional and standard uniaxial compressive and Brazilian tensile strengths ...
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The mechanical behavior of rock-rock bolt interface considering the effects of indents’ shape and their number was numerically simulated based on discrete element method using the two-dimensional particle flow code. The conventional and standard uniaxial compressive and Brazilian tensile strengths tests were used to calibrate the modelled samples with 100 cm 100 cm in dimension. The numerical models were prepared such that different indent shape and number were inserted in the cable bolts arrangements during the rock reinforcement process. The effects of confining pressure 3.7 MPa and different shear failure loads were modeled for the punch shear test of the concrete specimens. The results of this study showed that the dominant failure mode of the rock-cable bolt interface was of tensile mode and the shape and number of cable indents significantly affected the strength and mechanical behavior of the modelled samples. It has also been showed that the indent dimensions and number affected the shear strength of the interfaces.
Rock Mechanics
Masoud Yazdani; Mohammad Fatehi Marji; Mehdi Najafi; Manouchehr Sanei
Around 70% of the world's hydrocarbon fields are situated in reservoirs containing low-strength rocks, such as sandstone. During the production of hydrocarbons from sandstone reservoirs, sand-sized particles may become dislodged from the formation and enter the hydrocarbon fluid flow. Sand production ...
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Around 70% of the world's hydrocarbon fields are situated in reservoirs containing low-strength rocks, such as sandstone. During the production of hydrocarbons from sandstone reservoirs, sand-sized particles may become dislodged from the formation and enter the hydrocarbon fluid flow. Sand production is a significant issue in the oil industry due to its potential to cause erosion of pipes and valves. Separating grains from oil is a costly process. Oil and gas companies are motivated to reduce sand production during petroleum extraction. Hydraulic fracturing is one of the parameters that can influence sand production. However, understanding the complex interactions between hydraulic fracturing mechanisms and sand production around wellbores is critical for optimizing reservoir recovery and ensuring the integrity of production wells. This article explores the integrated simulation approach to model hydraulic fracturing processes and assess their effects on sand production. Two-dimensional models were created using the discrete element method in PFC2D software for this research. The fractures' length in the models varies based on the well's radius. The angle between two fractures at 90 and 180 degrees to each other was also modeled. In the first case, the length of the fracture is less than the radius of the well, in the second case, the values are equal and finally, the fracture length is assumed to exceed the well radius. The calibrated and validated results demonstrate the change in sand production rate in comparison to the unbroken state.
Rock Mechanics
Masoud Yazdani; Mohammad Fatehi Marji; Hamid Soltanian; Mehdi Najafi; Manouchehr Sanei
Approximately 70% of the world's hydrocarbon fields are located in reservoirs with low-strength rocks such as sandstone. During the production of hydrocarbons from sandstone reservoirs, sand-sized particles may become dislodged from the formation, and enter the hydrocarbon fluid flow. Sand production ...
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Approximately 70% of the world's hydrocarbon fields are located in reservoirs with low-strength rocks such as sandstone. During the production of hydrocarbons from sandstone reservoirs, sand-sized particles may become dislodged from the formation, and enter the hydrocarbon fluid flow. Sand production is a significant issue in the oil industry due to its potential to cause erosion of pipes and valves. Separating grains from oil is a costly process. Therefore, oil and gas-producing companies are motivated to reduce sand production during petroleum extraction. Various methods exist for predicting this phenomenon including continuous, discontinuous, experimental, physical, analytical, and numerical methods. Given the significance of the subject, this research work aims to achieve two primary objectives. Firstly, it proposes a two-dimensional numerical model based on the discrete element method to address the issues of high strain and deformation in granular materials. This method is highly reliable in simulating the mechanism of sand production in oil wells. Secondly, the production of sand is influenced by two factors: fluid pressure and stress; to evaluate changes in production from a particular reservoir, it is necessary to analyze each parameter. Two sandstone samples, similar to reservoir rock conditions, were prepared and tested in the laboratory to demonstrate sand production phenomenon. The numerical results have been verified and compared to their experimental counterparts.
Mohammad Omidi manesh; Vahab Sarfarazi; Nima Babanouri; Amir Rezaei
This work presents the hollow center cracked disc (HCCD) test and the cracked straight through Brazilian disc (CSTBD) test of oil well cement sheath using the experimental test and Particle Flow Code in two-dimensions (PFC2D) in order to determine mode I fracture toughness of cement sheath. The tensile ...
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This work presents the hollow center cracked disc (HCCD) test and the cracked straight through Brazilian disc (CSTBD) test of oil well cement sheath using the experimental test and Particle Flow Code in two-dimensions (PFC2D) in order to determine mode I fracture toughness of cement sheath. The tensile strength of cement sheath is 1.2 MPa. The cement sheath model is calibrated by outputs of the experimental test. Secondly, the numerical HCCD model and CSTBD model with diameter of 100 mm are prepared. The notch lengths are 10 mm, 20 mm, 30 mm, and 40 mm. The tests are performed by the loading rate of 0.018 mm/s. When the notch length in CSTBD is 40 mm, the external work is decreased 48%, related to the maximum external work of model with notch length of 10 mm (0.225 KN*mm decreased to 0.116 KN*mm). When the notch length in HCCD is 30 mm, the external work is decreased 33%, related to the maximum external work of model with notch length of 10 mm (0.06 KN*mm decreased to 0.04 KN*mm). The fracture energy is largely related to the joint length. The fracture energy is decreased by increasing the notch length. In constant to the notch length, the fracture energy of the CSTBD model is more than the HCCD model. Mode I fracture toughness is constant by increasing the notch length. The HCCD test and the CSTBD test yield a similar fracture toughness due to a similar tensile stress distribution on failure surface. The experimental outputs are in accordance to the numerical results.
Mohammad Omidi manesh; Vahab Sarfarazi; Nima Babanouri; Amir Rezaei
This work presents the Semi-Circular Bend (SCB) test and Notched Brazilian Disc (NBD) test of shotcrete using experimental test and Particle Flow Code in two-dimensions (PFC2D) in order to determine a relation between mode I fracture toughness and the tensile strength of shotcrete. Firstly, the micro-parameters ...
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This work presents the Semi-Circular Bend (SCB) test and Notched Brazilian Disc (NBD) test of shotcrete using experimental test and Particle Flow Code in two-dimensions (PFC2D) in order to determine a relation between mode I fracture toughness and the tensile strength of shotcrete. Firstly, the micro-parameters of flat joint model are calibrated using the results of shotcrete experimental test (uniaxial compressive strength and splitting tensile test). Secondly, numerical models with edge notch (SCB model) and internal notch (NBD model) with diameter of 150 mm are prepared. Notch lengths are 20 mm, 30 mm, and 40 mm. The tests are performed by the loading rate of 0.016 mm/s. Tensile strength of shotcrete is 3.25 MPa. The results obtained show that by using the flat joint model, it is possible to determine the crack growth path and crack initiation stress similar to the experimental one. Mode I fracture toughness is constant by increasing the notch length. Mode I fracture toughness and tensile strength of shotcrete can be related to each other by the equation, σt = 6.78 KIC. The SCB test yields the lowest fracture toughness due to pure tensile stress distribution on failure surface.
Morteza Karami; Shokrollah Zare; Jamal Rostami
One of the important cost items in mechanized tunneling is the cost of repairing or replacing the disc cutters that have suffered from normal wear during the boring of the hard abrasive rocks. For inspecting the health of the disc cutters, the boring operation shall be stopped, and after checking, the ...
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One of the important cost items in mechanized tunneling is the cost of repairing or replacing the disc cutters that have suffered from normal wear during the boring of the hard abrasive rocks. For inspecting the health of the disc cutters, the boring operation shall be stopped, and after checking, the worn disc cutters may be replaced. In this work, the dynamic process of the TBM boring in the jointed rocks is simulated using a real-scale numerical analysis based on the rock fracturing factor using the discrete element method (DEM). The stress distributions induced within the disc cutters as well as the development of the plastic zones in the rock are investigated and compared with the actual results recorded in the Kerman water conveyance tunnel (KWCT). The numerical results indicate that the increase in the rock fracturing causes a decrease in the induced stresses and an increase in the size of the plastic zone. In other words, a higher penetration rate as well as more lifetime for disc cutters can be achieved in highly fractured rocks. Moreover, the average von Misses stress in the disc cutters in the highly fractured rocks is predicted about 16-23% less than stress induced in the slightly fractured rocks. Due to the TBM tunneling, the volume of the plastic zone as well as the actual penetration depth in the highly fracturing rocks are also about 40% and 42% higher than in the slightly fractured rocks under applying the same TBM parameters, respectively.
M. Davood Yavari; H. Haeri; V. Sarfarazi; M. Fatehi Marji; H. A. Lazemi
Investigating the crack propagation mechanism is of paramount importance in analyzing the failure process of most materials. This process may be exposed during each kind of loading on the materials. In this work, the cracking mechanism in rock-like materials is studied using the numerical methods and ...
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Investigating the crack propagation mechanism is of paramount importance in analyzing the failure process of most materials. This process may be exposed during each kind of loading on the materials. In this work, the cracking mechanism in rock-like materials is studied using the numerical methods and compared with the experimental test results. However, the mechanism of crack growth in brittle materials such as rocks is influenced by different parameters. This research work focuses on the effect of the initial crack angles on the crack growth paths of these materials. Some cubic samples containing pre-existing cracks are tested in compression by considering different flaw orientations. The specimens are made of cement, water, and sand. Moreover, the mentioned process is numerically simulated using three different methods: the finite difference method for discontinuous bodies or discrete element method, the displacement discontinuity method, and the versatile finite element method. The micro-parameters for simulation are gained by the trial-and-error procedure for the discrete element method. Eventually, the crack growth paths observed in the experiments are compared with the numerically simulated models. The results obtained show that these central cracks propagate in two ways, which are dependent on their initial angle. By increasing the initial crack angle to greater than 30° (α > 30°), the wing crack path moves further away from the initial crack, and by decreasing α to smaller than 30° (α < 30°), only the shear cracks are initiated. Therefore, the validity and accuracy of the results are manifested by comparing all the corresponding results obtained by different methods. Based on these results, it can generally be concluded that the strength of the cubic (rock material) specimens increases with increase in the crack angles with respect to the applied loading direction.
Rock Mechanics
M. Lak; M. Fatehi Marji; A.R. Yarahamdi Bafghi; A. Abdollahipour
The explosion process of explosives in a borehole applies a very high pressure on its surrounding rock media. This process can initiate and propagate rock fractures, and finally, may result in the rock fragmentation. Rock fragmentation is mainly caused by the propagation of inherent pre-existing fractures ...
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The explosion process of explosives in a borehole applies a very high pressure on its surrounding rock media. This process can initiate and propagate rock fractures, and finally, may result in the rock fragmentation. Rock fragmentation is mainly caused by the propagation of inherent pre-existing fractures of the rock mass and also from the extension of the newly formed cracks within the intact rock due to the explosion. In this work, the process of extension of blast-induced fractures in rock masses is simulated using the discrete element method. It should be noted that, in this work, fracture propagation from both the rock mass inherent fractures and newly induced cracks are considered. The rock mass inherent fractures are generated using the discrete fracture network technique. In order to provide the possibility of fracture extension in the intact rock blocks, they are divided into secondary blocks using the Voronoi tessellation technique. When the modeling is completed, the fracture extension processes in the radial and longitudinal sections of a borehole are specified. Then a blast hole in an assumed rock slope is modeled and the effect of pre-splitting at the back of the blast hole (controlled blasting) on the fracture extension process in the blast area is investigated as an application of the proposed approach. The modeling results obtained show that the deployed procedure is capable of modeling the explosion process and different fracture propagations and fragmentation processes in the rock masses such as controlled blasting.