Volume 15 (2024)
Volume 14 (2023)
Volume 13 (2022)
Volume 12 (2021)
Volume 11 (2020)
Volume 10 (2019)
Volume 9 (2018)
Volume 8 (2017)
Volume 7 (2016)
Volume 6 (2015)
Volume 5 (2014)
Volume 4 (2013)
Volume 3 (2012)
Volume 2 (2011)
Volume 1 (2010)
A boundary element analysis of crack-propagation mechanism of micro-cracks in rock-like specimens under a uniform normal tension

H. Haeri; A. R Khaloo; K. Shahriar; M. Fatehi Marji; P. Moaref vand

Volume 6, Issue 1 , January 2015, , Pages 73-93


  In this work, the mechanism for fracture of brittle substances such as rocks under a uniform normal tension is considered. The oriented straight micro-cracks are mostly created in all the polycrystalline materials resulting from the stress concentrations. The present work focuses on the interactions ...  Read More

Impact of mining on groundwater quality in SW Ashanti, Ghana: a preliminary study

C. Bempah; H-J. Voigt; A. Ewusi

Volume 7, Issue 1 , January 2016, , Pages 81-95


  The focus of this research work is on the determination of the impact of mining on the groundwater quality in the historical mining region of SW Ashanti region in Ghana. This work describes the characteristics of the groundwater chemistry and pollution of the aquifer in the gold-ore bearing formation, ...  Read More

Determining fractal parameter and depth of magnetic sources for ardabil geothermal area using aeromagnetic data by de-fractal approach

A. Khojamli; F. Doulati Ardejani; A. Moradzadeh; A. Nejati Kalateh; A. Roshandel Kahoo; S. Porkhial

Volume 8, Issue 1 , January 2017, , Pages 93-101


  The Ardabil geothermal area is located in the northwest of Iran, which hosts several hot springs. It is situated mostly around the Sabalan Mountain. The Sabalan geothermal area is now under investigation for the geothermal electric power generation. It is characterized by its high thermal gradient and ...  Read More

Mineral Processing
Interactional effects of bubble size, particle size, and collector dosage on bubble loading in column flotation

A. Eskanlou; M. R. Khalesi; M. Abdollahy; M. Hemmati Chegeni

Volume 9, Issue 1 , January 2018, , Pages 107-116


  The success of flotation operation depends upon the thriving interactions of chemical and physical variables. In this work, the effects of particle size, bubble size, and collector dosage on the bubble loading in a continuous flotation column were investigated. In other words, this work was mainly concerned ...  Read More

Clay sedimentation and consolidation behaviour in tailing storage facilities over mine lifetime

Seyedeh M. Ehsani; M. Unesi; R. Tamartash

Volume 10, Issue 1 , January 2019, , Pages 113-124


  Changes in the tailing properties (increasing clay mineral content and fine particles) and poor operation of the dewatering systems have negative impacts on the Tailing Storage Facilities (TSF) of the Shahrbabak copper complex. The design solid concentration of the thickened tailings is 63 wt.% in the ...  Read More

Applying a Technical-Economic Approach to Calculate a Suitable Panel Width for Longwall Mining Method

S. Aghababaei; H. Jalalifar; A. Hosseini

Volume 12, Issue 1 , January 2021, , Pages 113-126


  Providing an approach to calculate a suitable panel width for the longwall mining method is considered considering both the technical and economic factors. Based on the investigations carried out, a technical-economic model is proposed to calculate a suitable panel width. The proposed model is a combination ...  Read More

Response of Underground Tunnels to Combined Dynamic Loadings of Running Metro-train and Earthquake

Rahul Shakya; Manendra Singh; Narendra Kumar Samadhiya

Volume 14, Issue 1 , January 2023, , Pages 113-131


  An earthquake is a random occurrence that can happen anytime in highly seismic active areas. Therefore, it might happen even when the metro-train is moving. In such a scenario, the vibrations produced by the dynamic loading of a moving metro-train and the dynamic loading due to an earthquake will impact ...  Read More

Influence of Single Tunnel and Twin Tunnel on Collapse Pattern and Maximum Ground Movement

V. Sarfarazi; K. Asgari

Volume 13, Issue 1 , January 2022, , Pages 117-128


  Particle Flow Code in Two Dimensions (PFC2D) was used in order to examine the influence of single tunnel and twin tunnel on the collapse pattern and maximum ground movement. Since first PFC was calibrated by the experiments, the results obtained were rendered by a uniaxial test. Further, a rectangular ...  Read More

Mineral Processing
Effects of Flocculant, Surfactant, Coagulant, and Filter Aid on Efficiency of Filtration Processing of Copper Concentrate: Mechanism and Optimization

A.H. Rezaei; H. Abdollahi; M. Gharabaghi; A. A. Mohammadzadeh

Volume 11, Issue 1 , January 2020, , Pages 119-141


  In the recent decades, water scarcity has become a major challenge for many reasons, especially the inadequate use of water resources. The mineral processing plant is among the most important water-consuming industries. Filtration, as one of the important processes in water recovery, is a process in ...  Read More

Geological Mapping and Facies Characterization of Miocene Evaporites along Central-eastern Margin of Gulf of Suez Rift by Remote Sensing Techniques

Eman M. Kamel; Mohamed S.H. Hammed; Osama E.A. Attia

Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2024, , Pages 151-173


  In the recent years, the use of ASTER and Landsat data have become prevalent for mapping different types of rock formations. Specifically, this study utilizes ASTER (L1B) and Landsat 8 (AOL) images to map outcrops of various gypsum facies in Ras Malaab area of west-central Sinai. These gypsum facies ...  Read More

Numerical assessment of influence of confining stress on Kaiser effect using distinct element method

M. Nikkhah

Volume 8, Issue 2 , April 2017, , Pages 215-226


  Nowadays acoustic emission (AE) testing based on the Kaiser Effect (KE) is increasingly used to estimate the in-situ stress in laboratories. In this work, this effect is assessed on cylindrical specimens in numerical simulations of the cyclic loadings including loading, unloading, and re-loading cycles ...  Read More

Application of spectrum-volume fractal modeling for detection of mineralized zones

H. Khalili; P. Afzal

Volume 9, Issue 2 , April 2018, , Pages 371-378


  The main goal of this research work was to detect the different Cu mineralized zones in the Sungun porphyry deposit in NW Iran using the Spectrum-Volume (S-V) fractal modeling based on the sub-surface data for this deposit. This operation was carried out on an estimated Cu block model based on a Fast ...  Read More

Rock Mechanics
Impact of gasoline contamination on mechanical behavior of sandy clay soil

M. H. Askarbioki; F. Kargaran Bafghi; M. Mokhtari; M. Khaleghi

Volume 10, Issue 2 , April 2019, , Pages 389-399


  Oil leakage causes soil contamination and induces changes in the physical and mechanical properties of soils. In areas contaminated with oil products such as gasoline, the implementation of civilian operations requires determination and prediction of soil behavior in the existing conditions. In this ...  Read More

Optimizing Extreme Learning Machine Algorithm using Particle Swarm Optimization to Estimate Iron Ore Grade

M. Fathi; A. Alimoradi; H.R. Hemati Ahooi

Volume 12, Issue 2 , April 2021, , Pages 397-411


  Scientific uncertainties make the grade estimation very complicated and important in the metallic ore deposits. This paper introduces a new hybrid method for estimating the iron ore grade using a combination of two artificial intelligence methods; it is based on the single layer-extreme learning machine ...  Read More

A New 3D Model for Shear Wave Velocity by Utilizing Conventional Petrophysical Logs and Geostatistical Method

Sh. Maleki; H. R. Ramazi; M. J. Ameri Shahrabi

Volume 13, Issue 2 , April 2022, , Pages 431-447


  Shear wave velocity (Vs) is considered as a key parameter in determination of the subsurface geomechanical properties in any hydrocarbon-bearing reservoir. During a well logging operation, the magnitude of Vs can be directly measured through the dipole shear sonic imager (DSI) logs. On a negative note, ...  Read More

Prediction of dispersed mineralization zone in depth using frequency domain of surface geochemical data

H. Shahi

Volume 8, Issue 3 , July 2017, , Pages 433-446


  Discrimination of the blind and dispersed mineralization deposits is a challenging problem in geochemical exploration. The frequency domain (FD) of the surface geochemical data can solve this important issue. This new exploratory information can be achieved using the interpretation of FD of geochemical ...  Read More

Rock Mechanics
Study of Damaged Zone around Circular Opening Using Acoustic Emission Technique

A. Dadi-givshad; M. Ahmadi; H. R. Nejati

Volume 11, Issue 2 , April 2020, , Pages 433-451


  One of the methods used to investigate the damaged zone in rock structure is the acoustic emission method. This method is based on receiving the elastic waves that are produced by deformation and cracking of the rock mass around the underground excavation. In this research, a study is conducted on the ...  Read More

Analysis of Granite Failure Modes and Energy Conversion under Uniaxial Compression at Various Temperatures

kausar Sultan shah; Naeem Abbas; Li Kegang; Mohd Hazizan bin Mohd Hashim; Hafeez Ur Rehman; Khan Gul Jadoon

Volume 14, Issue 2 , April 2023, , Pages 493-506


  The rocks in the studied area are prone to deterioration and failure due to frequent exposure to extreme temperature variations and loading conditions. In the context of rock engineering reliability assessment, understanding the energy conversion process in rocks is critical. Therefore, this research ...  Read More

Ecological Risk Analysis of Stream Sediments Data and Impact on Aquatic Biota around Mining and Agricultural Regions

Gregory Udie Sikakwe; Samuel Adebayo Ojo; Andrew Aondover Tyopine

Volume 15, Issue 2 , April 2024, , Pages 517-536


  Potentially harmful elements enter into the environment through mining and agricultural activities, causing water and stream sediment pollution.  Ecological risk analysis helps to determine sediment pollution, to recommend remediation measures for human health safety and the survival of aquatic ...  Read More

Determination of geochemical anomalies and gold mineralized stages based on litho-geochemical data for Zarshuran Carlin-like gold deposit (NW Iran) utilizing multi-fractal modeling and stepwise factor analysis

F. Aliyari; P. Afzal; J. Abdollahi Sharif

Volume 8, Issue 4 , October 2017, , Pages 593-610


  The Zarshuran Carlin-like gold deposit is located at the Takab Metallogenic belt in the northern part of the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, NW Iran. The high-grade ore bodies are mainly hosted by black shale and cream to gray massive limestone along the NNE-trending extensional fault/fracture zones. The aim of ...  Read More

Mineral Processing
Distribution of trace elements in coal and coal fly ash and their recovery with mineral processing practices: A review

I. Kursun Unver; M. Terzi

Volume 9, Issue 3 , July 2018, , Pages 641-655


  Today coal is among the most important energy sources. In order to meet the world's energy demands, low-calorie lignite with a high ash content is generally used in the large capacity coal-fired thermal power plants. As a result of coal firing, wastes such as fly ash, slag, and flue gas are also produced. ...  Read More

Fuzzy tonnage-average grade model based on extension principle

S. Soltani-Mohammadi; A. Soltani; B. Sohrabian

Volume 10, Issue 3 , July 2019, , Pages 659-666


  Due to the nature of the geological and mining activities, different input parameters in the grade estimation and mineral resource evaluation are always tainted with uncertainties. It is possible to investigate the uncertainties related to the measurements and parameters of the variogram model using ...  Read More

Support Analysis of Main Tunnels in Tabas Mechanized Parvadeh Mine at Intersection with Coal Seam

F. Abbasi; M.H. Khosravi; A. Jafari; Ali Bashari; B. Alipenhani

Volume 12, Issue 3 , July 2021, , Pages 711-724


  The instability of the roof and walls of the tunnels excavated in coal mines has always attracted the attention of the miners and experts in this field. In this work, the instability of the main tunnels of the mechanized Parvadeh coal mine in Tabas, Iran, at the intersection with coal seam is studied. ...  Read More

Determining Priority of Risk Factors in Technological Zones of Longwalls

Serhii Hryhorovych Nehrii; Tetiana Oleksandrivna Nehrii; Oksana Viktorivna Zolotarova; Valentyn Anatolyovich Glyva; Andrii Mykolaiovych Surzhenko; Oksana Mykolaivna Tykhenko; Nataliia Burdeina

Volume 13, Issue 3 , July 2022, , Pages 751-765


  The studies of risk factors on which the safety of miners depends are relevant. These factors include temperature and air velocity within roadways, relative air humidity, dust, noise and vibration, lighting, clutter, limited working space, the difficulty of work, and the collapse of roof rocks. Their ...  Read More

Comparison of Copper Dissolution in Chalcopyrite Concentrate Bioleaching with Acidianus Brierleyi in Different Initial pH Values

M. R. Samadzadeh Yazdi; M. Abdollahi; S. M. Mousavi; A. Khodadadi Darban

Volume 11, Issue 3 , July 2020, , Pages 753-764


  Although bioleaching of chalcopyrite by thermophilic microorganisms enhances the rate of copper recovery, a high temperature accelerates iron precipitation as jarosite, which can bring many operational problems in the industrial processes. In this research work, the bioleaching of chalcopyrite concentrate ...  Read More