M. Nikkhah
Nowadays acoustic emission (AE) testing based on the Kaiser Effect (KE) is increasingly used to estimate the in-situ stress in laboratories. In this work, this effect is assessed on cylindrical specimens in numerical simulations of the cyclic loadings including loading, unloading, and re-loading cycles ...
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Nowadays acoustic emission (AE) testing based on the Kaiser Effect (KE) is increasingly used to estimate the in-situ stress in laboratories. In this work, this effect is assessed on cylindrical specimens in numerical simulations of the cyclic loadings including loading, unloading, and re-loading cycles using a 3D code called the particle flow code (PFC) based upon the distinct element method. To achieve this objective, at first, the numerical model is calibrated using a laboratory test performed on the selected sandstone specimens. The results obtained show that PFC and the distinct element code are useful tools used to investigate the damage and KE of a brittle rock. Also the results obtained by the triaxial modeling show that a combination of triaxial loading stresses change the results of uniaxial loading. Further, KE is influenced under confining stresses so that larger confining stresses lead to greater differences between the KE stress during the uniaxial and pre-stress loadings.
H. Khalili; P. Afzal
The main goal of this research work was to detect the different Cu mineralized zones in the Sungun porphyry deposit in NW Iran using the Spectrum-Volume (S-V) fractal modeling based on the sub-surface data for this deposit. This operation was carried out on an estimated Cu block model based on a Fast ...
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The main goal of this research work was to detect the different Cu mineralized zones in the Sungun porphyry deposit in NW Iran using the Spectrum-Volume (S-V) fractal modeling based on the sub-surface data for this deposit. This operation was carried out on an estimated Cu block model based on a Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) using the C++ and MATLAB programing. The S-V log-log plot was generated and six Cu populations were distinguished. Based on the S-V log-log plot obtained, different mineralized zones were detected in the Sungun deposit. Copper mineralized zones in the porphyry and skarn types commenced from 0.12% and 1.3%, respectively. A supergene enrichment zone began form 0.82%; it was located in the eastern part of this deposit. The enriched skarn zones were situated in the eastern and SE parts of the Sungun deposit that overlapped the intersection of cretaceous limestones and porphyry stock. Overlapping between the resulting zones derived via the S-V fractal model and geological zones and evidences were calculated using the logratio matrix, which indicated that the S-V fractal model had proper results for detection of the mineralized zones.
Rock Mechanics
M. H. Askarbioki; F. Kargaran Bafghi; M. Mokhtari; M. Khaleghi
Oil leakage causes soil contamination and induces changes in the physical and mechanical properties of soils. In areas contaminated with oil products such as gasoline, the implementation of civilian operations requires determination and prediction of soil behavior in the existing conditions. In this ...
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Oil leakage causes soil contamination and induces changes in the physical and mechanical properties of soils. In areas contaminated with oil products such as gasoline, the implementation of civilian operations requires determination and prediction of soil behavior in the existing conditions. In this research work, the effect of oil contamination by gasoline obtained from the National Oil Company in the Yazd Province is considered to investigate the effect of contaminants on the geotechnical properties of fine-grained sand. In order to examine the geotechnical characteristics of contaminated soil, compaction, undrained triaxial (CU), and consolidation tests are conducted. The tests are carried out on the samples of clean soil and contaminated soil with 1, 3, and 5% gasoline. The results obtained show that added gasoline reduces the optimum moisture content and increases the maximum dry density. In addition, based on the results of the triaxial test, the amount of friction angle and the cohesion of clay sand decrease by 21% and 14% with increasing contamination up to 5%, respectively, compared to the clean soil sample. Furthermore, adding gasoline significantly increases the compressibility and compression index.
M. Fathi; A. Alimoradi; H.R. Hemati Ahooi
Scientific uncertainties make the grade estimation very complicated and important in the metallic ore deposits. This paper introduces a new hybrid method for estimating the iron ore grade using a combination of two artificial intelligence methods; it is based on the single layer-extreme learning machine ...
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Scientific uncertainties make the grade estimation very complicated and important in the metallic ore deposits. This paper introduces a new hybrid method for estimating the iron ore grade using a combination of two artificial intelligence methods; it is based on the single layer-extreme learning machine and the particle swarm optimization approaches, and is designed based on the location of the boreholes, depth of the boreholes, and drill hole information from an orebody, and applied for the ore grade estimation on the basis of a block model. In this work, the two algorithms of optimization clustering and neural networks are used for the iron grade estimation in the Choghart iron ore north anomaly in the central Iran. The results of the training and testing the algorithms indicate a significant ability of the optimized neural network system in the ore grade estimation.
Sh. Maleki; H. R. Ramazi; M. J. Ameri Shahrabi
Shear wave velocity (Vs) is considered as a key parameter in determination of the subsurface geomechanical properties in any hydrocarbon-bearing reservoir. During a well logging operation, the magnitude of Vs can be directly measured through the dipole shear sonic imager (DSI) logs. On a negative note, ...
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Shear wave velocity (Vs) is considered as a key parameter in determination of the subsurface geomechanical properties in any hydrocarbon-bearing reservoir. During a well logging operation, the magnitude of Vs can be directly measured through the dipole shear sonic imager (DSI) logs. On a negative note, this method not only is limited to one dimensional (1D) interpretation, it also appears to be relatively costly. In this research work, the magnitude of Vs is calculated using one set of controversial petrophysical logs (compressional wave velocity) for an oil reservoir situated in the south part of Iran. To do this, initially, the pertinent empirical correlations between the compressional (Vp) and shear wave velocities are extracted for DSI logs. Then those empirical correlations are deployed in order to calculate the values of Vs within a series of thirty wells, in which their Vp values are already recorded. Afterwards, the Kriging estimator along with the Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) technique are utilized to calculate the values of Vs throughout the whole reservoir. Eventually, the results obtained from the two aforementioned techniques are compared with each other. Comparing those results, it turns out that the Kriging estimation technique presents more accurate values of Vs than the BPNN technique. Hence, the supremacy of the Kriging estimation technique over the BPNN technique must be regarded to achieve a further reliable magnitude of Vs in the subjected oil field. This application can also be considered in any other oil field with similar geomechanical and geological circumstances.
H. Shahi
Discrimination of the blind and dispersed mineralization deposits is a challenging problem in geochemical exploration. The frequency domain (FD) of the surface geochemical data can solve this important issue. This new exploratory information can be achieved using the interpretation of FD of geochemical ...
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Discrimination of the blind and dispersed mineralization deposits is a challenging problem in geochemical exploration. The frequency domain (FD) of the surface geochemical data can solve this important issue. This new exploratory information can be achieved using the interpretation of FD of geochemical data, which is impossible in spatial domain. In this research work, FD of the surface geochemical data is analyzed to decompose the complex geochemical patterns related to the mineral deposits. In order to identify the dispersed mineralization zone in the Chichakloo Pb–Zn deposit, a newly developed approach is proposed based on the coupling of two-dimensional Fourier transform (2DFT) and principal component analysis (PCA). The surface geochemical data is transferred to FD using 2DFT, and two low-pass filters are designed and performed on FD. Then the PCA method is employed on these frequency bands (FBs) separately. This proposed scenario desirably illustrates the relationship between the low frequencies in the surface geochemical distribution map (GDM) and the deep deposits. The informations obtained from the detailed exploration and the exploration drillings such as boreholes confirm the results obtained from this method. This new combined approach is a valuable data-processing tool and pattern-recognition technique in geochemical explorations. This approach is quite inexpensive compared to the traditional exploration methods.
Rock Mechanics
A. Dadi-givshad; M. Ahmadi; H. R. Nejati
One of the methods used to investigate the damaged zone in rock structure is the acoustic emission method. This method is based on receiving the elastic waves that are produced by deformation and cracking of the rock mass around the underground excavation. In this research, a study is conducted on the ...
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One of the methods used to investigate the damaged zone in rock structure is the acoustic emission method. This method is based on receiving the elastic waves that are produced by deformation and cracking of the rock mass around the underground excavation. In this research, a study is conducted on the rock samples by a numerical method to investigate the damaged zone caused by the excavation of circular space on it. For this purpose, 33 cube samples of three different material types including sandstone, concrete, and cement-plaster mortar are prepared. A circular hole is drilled in the center of each sample. The hole diameter is 20 or 25 mm. The samples are loaded uniaxially or biaxially with different stress rates. It is tried to study the acoustic events occurring in the samples during the test, and their locations are investigated. Then the experiments are evaluated by a numerical method using the FLAC3D software and some developed codes. The relation between the sample damaged zone where the acoustic events have occurred during the loading period and the numerical elements that reach a degree of tensile and shear yield is studied. The results obtained show that the amount of cumulative acoustic parameters in cement-plaster mortar specimens is more than the others. In fact, the finer grains, the more amounts of energy and counts will be produced. Also, the results show that with increase in the lateral pressure and loading rate, the amount of cumulative energy and counts decreases.
kausar Sultan shah; Naeem Abbas; Li Kegang; Mohd Hazizan bin Mohd Hashim; Hafeez Ur Rehman; Khan Gul Jadoon
The rocks in the studied area are prone to deterioration and failure due to frequent exposure to extreme temperature variations and loading conditions. In the context of rock engineering reliability assessment, understanding the energy conversion process in rocks is critical. Therefore, this research ...
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The rocks in the studied area are prone to deterioration and failure due to frequent exposure to extreme temperature variations and loading conditions. In the context of rock engineering reliability assessment, understanding the energy conversion process in rocks is critical. Therefore, this research work aims to assess the energy characteristics and failure modes of pink and white-black granite subjected to uniaxial compression loading at various temperatures. Samples of pink and white-black granite are heated to a range of temperatures (0 °C, 200 °C, 400 °C, 600 °C, 900 °C, and 1100 °C), and their failure modes and energy characteristics including total energy, elastic energy, and dissipated energy are studied by testing preheated samples under uniaxial compression. The results show that the dissipation energy coefficient initially rises rapidly, and then falls back to its minimum value at the failure stage. The micro-structures of granite rock directly affect its elastic and dissipation energy. Axial splitting failure mode is observed in most of the damaged granite specimens. After heating granite to 600 °C, the effect of temperature on the failure mode becomes apparent.
Gregory Udie Sikakwe; Samuel Adebayo Ojo; Andrew Aondover Tyopine
Potentially harmful elements enter into the environment through mining and agricultural activities, causing water and stream sediment pollution. Ecological risk analysis helps to determine sediment pollution, to recommend remediation measures for human health safety and the survival of aquatic ...
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Potentially harmful elements enter into the environment through mining and agricultural activities, causing water and stream sediment pollution. Ecological risk analysis helps to determine sediment pollution, to recommend remediation measures for human health safety and the survival of aquatic species. The sediments were analysed for acidity and redox potential using a pH-meter and spectrophotometer, respectively. Nickel, cadmium, arsenic, chromium, lead, zinc, and iron were measured using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The mean value of Cd exceeded the threshold effect limit guideline indicating its adverse effect to water dwelling organisms. Anthropogenic metal input identified cadmium, lead, arsenic, zinc and chromium contamination in locations 3, 6, and 7. Modified risk assessment code, toxic response index and comprehensive ecological risk values exhibited considerable to high ecological risks in locations 3, 6, and 7. The highest comprehensive ecological risk value recorded 653.2 in location 3, showing high ecological risk to water dwelling organisms. Durbin Watson ecological risk value (2.34) is between a critical value of 1.5 < d < 2.5 showing auto correlation of the data. Potentially harmful elements obtained Durbin Watson value of 2.77, which exceeded the range showing lack of auto correlation. Strong correlation of arsenic, lead and zinc showed their affinity and common source of enrichment. Principal component analysis indicated that the sources of the elements were mostly geological weathering, sewage disposal, industrial wastes and agricultural fertilizers. The study integrated recent ecological risk indices with multivariate and regression statistics. This is helpful in interpreting related environmental problems by scientists in other parts of the world.
F. Aliyari; P. Afzal; J. Abdollahi Sharif
The Zarshuran Carlin-like gold deposit is located at the Takab Metallogenic belt in the northern part of the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, NW Iran. The high-grade ore bodies are mainly hosted by black shale and cream to gray massive limestone along the NNE-trending extensional fault/fracture zones. The aim of ...
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The Zarshuran Carlin-like gold deposit is located at the Takab Metallogenic belt in the northern part of the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, NW Iran. The high-grade ore bodies are mainly hosted by black shale and cream to gray massive limestone along the NNE-trending extensional fault/fracture zones. The aim of this investigation was to determine and separate the gold mineralized stages based on the surface litho-geochemical Au, Hg, and As data using the Concentration-Area (C-A) fractal model and stepwise factor analysis in the Zarshuran gold deposit. Three mineralized stages were determined by the C-A fractal modeling and factor analysis, which were correlated with the mineralized stages from geological studies. The main stage of Au mineralization was higher than 1.995 ppm, which was correlated with the main sulfidation stage, whereas the As and Hg highly intense anomalies (higher than 6409 and 19 ppm, respectively) were associated with the quartz-sulfide veins and veinlets. The results obtained by the C-A fractal model and stepwise factor analysis showed that the main gold mineralized stage occurred in the southern part of the Zarshuran deposit, which was correlated with the geological particulars.
Mineral Processing
I. Kursun Unver; M. Terzi
Today coal is among the most important energy sources. In order to meet the world's energy demands, low-calorie lignite with a high ash content is generally used in the large capacity coal-fired thermal power plants. As a result of coal firing, wastes such as fly ash, slag, and flue gas are also produced. ...
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Today coal is among the most important energy sources. In order to meet the world's energy demands, low-calorie lignite with a high ash content is generally used in the large capacity coal-fired thermal power plants. As a result of coal firing, wastes such as fly ash, slag, and flue gas are also produced. Subsequently, toxic trace elements within coal are transferred to wastes such as slag, fly ash, and flue gases. Large amounts of these, which are usually stored in collection ponds or stockpiles, are problematic in terms of environment. Although coal fly ash (CFA) has been utilized in construction and several other industries for decades, its current ratio of utilization is still quite limited. As an important fact, CFA also contains many valuable metals including germanium (Ge), gallium (Ga), vanadium (V), titanium (Ti), and aluminum (Al). In addtion, coal and CFA can be regarded as alternative sources of radioactive elements. Therefore, they also have a great potential in terms of the precious metals and trace elements they contain. In this study, the present literature on the distribution of trace elements in coal and coal ash during firing and ore preparation processes and their recovery possibilities with mineral processing practices are reviewed. While many research works on the subject clearly indicate that the large amounts of the ashes produced from firing of coal could be problematic in terms of environment, many studies and practices also show that coal combustion products also have a great potential in terms of the precious metals and trace elements.
S. Soltani-Mohammadi; A. Soltani; B. Sohrabian
Due to the nature of the geological and mining activities, different input parameters in the grade estimation and mineral resource evaluation are always tainted with uncertainties. It is possible to investigate the uncertainties related to the measurements and parameters of the variogram model using ...
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Due to the nature of the geological and mining activities, different input parameters in the grade estimation and mineral resource evaluation are always tainted with uncertainties. It is possible to investigate the uncertainties related to the measurements and parameters of the variogram model using the fuzzy kriging method instead of the kriging method. The fuzzy kriging theory has already been the subject of relatively various research studies but the main weak point in such studies is that the results of the fuzzy estimations are not used in decision-making and planning. A very common, but key, tool of decision-making for mining engineers is the tonnage-average grade models. Under conditions where measurements or/and variogram model parameters are tainted with uncertainties, the tonnage-average grade model will be uncertain as well. Therefore, it is necessary to use the fuzzy tonnage-grade model instead of the crisp ones, and the next analysis steps and decision-makings are done accordingly. In this paper, the computational principles of the fuzzy tonnage-average grade curve and a case study regarding its usage are presented.
F. Abbasi; M.H. Khosravi; A. Jafari; Ali Bashari; B. Alipenhani
The instability of the roof and walls of the tunnels excavated in coal mines has always attracted the attention of the miners and experts in this field. In this work, the instability of the main tunnels of the mechanized Parvadeh coal mine in Tabas, Iran, at the intersection with coal seam is studied. ...
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The instability of the roof and walls of the tunnels excavated in coal mines has always attracted the attention of the miners and experts in this field. In this work, the instability of the main tunnels of the mechanized Parvadeh coal mine in Tabas, Iran, at the intersection with coal seam is studied. The main tunnels of this mine show significant horizontal displacements due to the complex ground conditions and great depth. The behavior of the rock mass surrounding the tunnel is investigated using various experimental methods, and according to the results obtained, the surrounding rock mass has squeezing conditions. In order to analyze the stability of the main tunnels, a series of 2D and 3D numerical modelings are performed using the FLAC2&3D finite difference software, and the results obtained are compared with the actual displacement values recorded in the walls of the main tunnels of the mine. The analysis results show that the tunnels under study are unstable with a steel frame support, and therefore, the use of different support systems for the stabilization is investigated. The results of modeling different types of support systems show that the use of shotcrete instead of galvanized sheet (as strut) does not have a significant effect on the reduced displacements. Also although the installation of steel sets is very effective in preventing the displacement of the walls, due to the swelling problems in the tunnel bottom and the placement of the conveyor and haulage rail, it cannot be used in practice. Finally, the use of truss bolt has yielded good results, and it can be proposed as a new support system in these tunnels. In addition, the modeling results show that in case the coal seam is higher than the tunnel foot, less displacement will occur in the tunnel walls compared to the other cases. In other words, changing the tunnel level in the future excavations can help reduce the displacements.
Serhii Hryhorovych Nehrii; Tetiana Oleksandrivna Nehrii; Oksana Viktorivna Zolotarova; Valentyn Anatolyovich Glyva; Andrii Mykolaiovych Surzhenko; Oksana Mykolaivna Tykhenko; Nataliia Burdeina
The studies of risk factors on which the safety of miners depends are relevant. These factors include temperature and air velocity within roadways, relative air humidity, dust, noise and vibration, lighting, clutter, limited working space, the difficulty of work, and the collapse of roof rocks. Their ...
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The studies of risk factors on which the safety of miners depends are relevant. These factors include temperature and air velocity within roadways, relative air humidity, dust, noise and vibration, lighting, clutter, limited working space, the difficulty of work, and the collapse of roof rocks. Their greatest concentration is in the technological zones of longwalls, so it is important to determine the priority of taking into account the risk factors in certain zones for planning measures for labor protection in underground coal mining. Therefore, a matrix of priority of risk factors for technological zone longwalls is proposed. The matrix is based on a survey of experienced and well-informed scientists and engineers of coal mines (experts). Fifty experts are involved in the survey.The matrix assesses the priority of risk factors, and considers the technological zones of the longwalls for the planning labor protection measures. The zones of operation of the excavation machines and the end-sections of longwalls are defined as the most safety-critical. Less safety-critical, but also dangerous, are the zones of protection means and the zones of connection of the longwalls with the roadways. The level of a certain risk factor is determined for each zone. The highest priority should be given to the collapse of roofs, dust, clutter of the working space, and the severity of the miners' work. For each risk factor included in the matrix, the technical and organizational measures for labor protection are proposed to reduce the level of injuries for miners.
M. R. Samadzadeh Yazdi; M. Abdollahi; S. M. Mousavi; A. Khodadadi Darban
Although bioleaching of chalcopyrite by thermophilic microorganisms enhances the rate of copper recovery, a high temperature accelerates iron precipitation as jarosite, which can bring many operational problems in the industrial processes. In this research work, the bioleaching of chalcopyrite concentrate ...
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Although bioleaching of chalcopyrite by thermophilic microorganisms enhances the rate of copper recovery, a high temperature accelerates iron precipitation as jarosite, which can bring many operational problems in the industrial processes. In this research work, the bioleaching of chalcopyrite concentrate by the thermophilic Acidianus brierleyi was studied, and the microbial growth, copper dissolution, iron oxidation, and jarosite precipitation were monitored in different initial pH (pHi) values. Bacterial growth was greatly affected by pHi. While the bacterial growth was delayed for 11 days with a pHi value of 0.8, this delay was reduced to nearly one day for a pHi value of 1.2. Two stages of copper recovery were observed during all the tests. A high pHi value caused a fast bacterial growth in the first stage and severe jarosite precipitation in the later days causing a sharp decline in the bacterial population and copper leaching rate. The copper recoveries after 11 days were 25%, 78%, 84%, 70%, 56%, and 39% for the pHi values of 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, and 1.7, respectively. Sulfur and jarosite were the main residues of the bioleaching tests. It was revealed that the drastic effect of jarosite precipitation on the microbial growth and copper recovery was mainly caused by the ferric iron depletion from solution rather than passivation of the chalcopyrite surface. A slow precipitation of crystalline jarosite did not cause a passive chalcopyrite surface. The mechanisms of chalcopyrite bioleaching were discussed.
Patrick MUHIZI
Excessive amounts of fluoride present in underground water sources are a major health concern worldwide. This study presents a new way to address the global health issue of high fluoride concentrations in groundwater using the abundantly available and cost-effective adsorbent material activated kaolinite ...
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Excessive amounts of fluoride present in underground water sources are a major health concern worldwide. This study presents a new way to address the global health issue of high fluoride concentrations in groundwater using the abundantly available and cost-effective adsorbent material activated kaolinite clay “WR@KN”. The physical and chemical activation methods are employed to enhance its adsorption capacity. The optimum conditions for fluoride removal are determined through batch adsorption experiments, with a maximum adsorption capacity of 0.745 mg/g at pH 6, a particle size of 10 µm, a mixing speed of 210 rpm, a temperature of 24 °C, an initial fluoride concentration of 5.5 mg/L, a dose of 0.7 g activated WR@KN, and a contact period of 240 minutes. WR@KN successfully removes fluoride ions from 5.5 to 0.28 mg/L. The Langmuir isotherm model is found to be the most suitable for describing the adsorption behavior of fluoride on the WR@KN surface with an R2 of 0.99984. The adsorption kinetic modeling shows that the pseudo-second-order model is the best fit with 0.754 mg/g, indicating that the fluoride adsorption process is chemisorption. The exothermic nature of the fluoride adsorption process is confirmed by a negative value of ΔH° (-77.08). The regenerated WR@KN adsorbent could remove fluoride effectively for the first four cycles but its performance deteriorated in the subsequent cycles. Increasing the ionic strength enhances the fluoride removal efficiency. Overall, the results suggest that the WR@KN adsorbent can be a promising material for cost-effective fluoride removal from groundwater.
M. Mohseni; M. Ataei; R. Khaloo Kakaie
Production planning in mineral exploitation should be undertaken to maximize exploited ore at a minimum unplanned dilution. Unplanned dilution reduction is among the ways to enhance the quality of products, and hence, reduce the associated costs, resulting in a higher profit. In this way, firstly, all ...
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Production planning in mineral exploitation should be undertaken to maximize exploited ore at a minimum unplanned dilution. Unplanned dilution reduction is among the ways to enhance the quality of products, and hence, reduce the associated costs, resulting in a higher profit. In this way, firstly, all the parameters contributing to unplanned dilution in underground stopes and specifically the cut-and-fill stoping method are identified. Secondly, the parameters are weighed using the fuzzy-Delphi analytical hierarchy process. Thirdly, the most effective parameters are selected among the pool of effective parameters. Finally, in order to present a novel classification system for an unplanned dilution assessment, a new index called stope unplanned dilution index (SUDI) is introduced. SUDI represents the extent to which a cut-and-fill stope is susceptible to unplanned dilution. That is, having the value of this index, one may classify the cut-and-fill stopes into five groups according to robustness versus unplanned dilution: very strong, strong, moderate, weak, and very weak. SUDI is applied to10 stopes in different parts of Venarch Manganese Mines (Qom, Iran). In this way, a semi-automatic cavity monitoring system is implemented in the stopes. The regression analysis method shows that there is a relationship between SUDI and the actual unplanned dilution in equivalent linear overbreak/slough with a correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.8957).
F. Soltani; P. Moarefvand; F. Alinia; P. Afzal
The traditional approaches of modeling and estimation of highly skewed deposits have led to incorrect evaluations, creating challenges and risks in resource management. The low concentration of the rare earth element (REE) deposits, on one hand, and their strategic importance, on the other, enhances ...
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The traditional approaches of modeling and estimation of highly skewed deposits have led to incorrect evaluations, creating challenges and risks in resource management. The low concentration of the rare earth element (REE) deposits, on one hand, and their strategic importance, on the other, enhances the necessity of multivariate modeling of these deposits. The wide variations of the grades and their relation with different rock units increase the complexities of the modeling of REEs. In this work, the Gazestan Magnetite-Apatite deposit was investigated and modeled using the statistical and geostatistical methods. Light and heavy REEs in apatite minerals are concentrated in the form of fine monazite inclusions. Using 908 assayed samples, 64 elements including light and heavy REEs from drill cores were analyzed. By performing the necessary pre-processing and stepwise factor analysis, and taking into account the threshold of 0.6 in six stages, a mineralization factor including phosphorus with the highest correlation was obtained. Then using a concentration-number fractal analysis on the mineralization factor, REEs were investigated in various rock units such as magnetite-apatite units. Next, using the sequential Gaussian simulation, the distribution of light, heavy, and total REEs and the mineralization factor in various realizations were obtained. Finally, based on the realizations, the analysis of uncertainty in the deposit was performed. All multivariate studies confirm the spatial structure analysis, simulation and analysis of rock units, and relationship of phosphorus with mineralization.
Rock Mechanics
Sahrul Poalahi Salu; Bima Bima
Expansion of mining pit is associated with an increased risk of slope instability and high costs. This is because changes in geometry of the mine slope significantly affect slope stability, alter the stripping ratio, and potentially threaten the continuity of mining operations. Therefore, this research ...
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Expansion of mining pit is associated with an increased risk of slope instability and high costs. This is because changes in geometry of the mine slope significantly affect slope stability, alter the stripping ratio, and potentially threaten the continuity of mining operations. Therefore, this research work aimed to investigate the impact of changes in geometry of mining pit on slope stability to provide insight into safety, economic assurances, and ensure the sustainability of mining operations. This research work was applied by the 2D numerical modeling method using the Slide Software V. 6.0 Rocscience to analyze geometry of mining pit and impact on slope safety factors. The investigation was conducted at Pit Block A of Pt. Hikari Jeindo, managing nickel mining activities in the Langgikima District, North Konawe, Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The results showed that the modeling method successfully showed changes in slope geometry, ensuring safe and economically viable slope safety factors. However, to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of slope stability conditions, a 3D numerical modeling method is required to capture the area affected by expansion of mining pit.
V. Sarfarazi; K. Asgari
In this investigation, the impact of confining pressure on the tensile strength obtained by point load test (PLT) is examined by particle flow code in two dimensions. In this regard, at first, a numerical model is calibrated using the Brazilian experimental test results. The tensile strength of the model ...
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In this investigation, the impact of confining pressure on the tensile strength obtained by point load test (PLT) is examined by particle flow code in two dimensions. In this regard, at first, a numerical model is calibrated using the Brazilian experimental test results. The tensile strength of the model material is equal to 2.5 MPa. Secondly, PLT is performed on the numerical models with dimension of 15 cm × 50 cm. The rectangular models are tested by PLT under the presence of the confining pressure. The loading rate is 0.001 mm/min, confining that the pressure is changed with the 13 different values of 0 MPa, 0.002 MPa, 1MPa, 1.5 MPa, 2 MPa, 2.5 MPa, 3MPa, 3.5 MPa, 4 MPa, 5MPa, 6 MPa, 9 MPa, and 11 MPa. The results obtained show that the vertical tensile crack develops through the model under a low confining pressure, while several shear bands are developed in the models under a high confining pressure. The number of shear cracks is augmented by augmenting the confining pressure. Is(50) is the augment by augmenting the confining pressure. Also a new criterion is rendered in order to determine Is(50) based on the confining pressure.
Vivek Sharma; Ravi Kumar Sharma; Pardeep Kumar
In the present work, the empirical correlations between standard penetration test (SPT) N-values versus shear modulus (Gmax), and Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) amplifications for sub-Himalayan district-Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh (India) consisting of highly variable soil/rock strata at different ...
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In the present work, the empirical correlations between standard penetration test (SPT) N-values versus shear modulus (Gmax), and Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) amplifications for sub-Himalayan district-Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh (India) consisting of highly variable soil/rock strata at different depths and across the terrain are evaluated. In the first stage, the N values obtained from SPTs are conducted in the field at 184 locations covering the studied area. The shear wave velocity for each soil profile of each borehole is calculated using the best available correlation in the literature. Further, the seismic response parameters are evaluated for these values using the ProShake software. Finally, the empirical relationships between maximum shear modulus and SPT value for different soil types are determined along with the ground motion amplifications. The amplification factor for Bhoranj sub-division varies from 1.40 to 2.60 and from 1.28 to 2.30, 1.20 to 2.10, 1.22 to 1.85, and 1.22 to 1.70 for Barsar, Nadaun, Hamirpur, and Sujanpur, respectively. The studied area consists of variable soil strata including clay, silt, sand, conglomerate, sandstone, and mixture thereof. The correlation between shear modulus and N value is coherent with already reported correlations for regular soils. The amplification factor reported for the sites plays an important role in planning infrastructure in the region. The correlations between maximum shear modulus (Gmax) and SPT value for hilly terrain comprising of highly complex geological formations such as mixed soil and fractured rocks presented in the study are not available in the research work carried out earlier.
A. Zolfaghari; N. Barzegar; M. Amini
The gypsum mineralization occurred in the form of Satin Spar and Selenite in the south and southwest of the Fars province in the folded Zagros zone. In this region, Satin Spar mineralization has been formed as stratiform between the red marl and siltstone units of Late Miocene–Pliocene in Agha ...
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The gypsum mineralization occurred in the form of Satin Spar and Selenite in the south and southwest of the Fars province in the folded Zagros zone. In this region, Satin Spar mineralization has been formed as stratiform between the red marl and siltstone units of Late Miocene–Pliocene in Agha Jari, Bakhtiari, and the Gachsaran formations. The reserves of Satin Spar in this area are at least 200,000 tons. Satin Spar due to its chatoyancy, has been able to distinguish itself from gypsum. This beautiful light phenomenon (chatoyancy) results from the regular and parallel arrangement of the Satin Spar fibers. The mineral was first identified by its physical properties, and then by the X-ray diffraction analysis. They were also examined by scanning electron microscopy for its structure and also the structure of fiber crystals and their optical properties. In order to examine the polishing condition of Satin Spar, several samples of this gemstone were also selected for fantasy and Cabochon cut. For the first time in Iran, the exploration of Satin Spar gemstone in the Fars region can be a model for its discovery in the other evaporative formations in the country.
Sphiwe Emmanuel EMMANUEL Mhlongo; Francis Amphose Dacosta; Armstrong Kadyamatimba; George O Akintola
South Africa has 6100 documented abandoned mines. The government is responsible for the management and rehabilitation of these mines to address their environmental problems, physical hazards, and socio-economic issues. In general, rehabilitating abandoned mines involves making a series of critical decisions ...
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South Africa has 6100 documented abandoned mines. The government is responsible for the management and rehabilitation of these mines to address their environmental problems, physical hazards, and socio-economic issues. In general, rehabilitating abandoned mines involves making a series of critical decisions about the strategies to be implemented in rehabilitating the major features of these mines. This paper presents an expert system developed to aid in selecting appropriate strategies for rehabilitating abandoned mines in South Africa. This system is known as the Expert System for Selection of Strategies for Rehabilitation of Abandoned Mines (ES-SRSA). The ES-Builder (Version 3.0, McGoo software) was used to design the knowledge and rule-based components of the expert system. The rules of the expert systems were developed based on the documented knowledge of the problems of abandoned mines in South Africa and the information gathered by the researcher through visits to selected abandoned mine sites in the country. The ES-SRSA provides 45 recommendations of suitable strategies for dealing with the different problems of features such as underground entries, mine waste, surface mine excavations, silos and orebins, and other features like dilapidated buildings/infrastructure. Most of the rules of this expert system encourage the repurposing and reuse of these mine features to improve the social and economic status of the host communities. The use of this expert system has the potential of contributing to the reduction of the risks of implementation of ineffective strategies for the rehabilitation of abandoned mines in a country like South Africa.
Kushai Caleb Aluwong; Mohd Hazizan bin Mohd Hashim; Suhaina Ishmail
In the past, assessing water quality has typically involved labor-intensive and costly processes such as laboratory analysis and manual sampling, which do not provide real-time data. In addition to tasting bad, drinking acidic water on a regular basis can result in acid reflux and recurrent heartburn ...
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In the past, assessing water quality has typically involved labor-intensive and costly processes such as laboratory analysis and manual sampling, which do not provide real-time data. In addition to tasting bad, drinking acidic water on a regular basis can result in acid reflux and recurrent heartburn while high total dissolved solids water can cause kidney stones, especially when the hard water content is more than 500ppm. With growing concerns about water quality, there is a need for continuous monitoring of pH and TDS levels in surface and groundwater sources. To address this, a cutting-edge wireless sensor system leveraging on Internet of Things (IoT) technology has been developed. This system incorporates top-notch pH and TDS sensors known for their accuracy, durability, and environmental compatibility. Integrated with microcontrollers featuring wireless communication capabilities, these sensors enable seamless data transmission to a central server through IoT protocols like cellular networks. The collected data is processed and calibrated to ensure reliability and precision. The IoT platform connected to the central server manages device connectivity, data storage, and analysis, making real-time data accessible via user-friendly web or mobile applications with interactive graphs and dashboards. Power-saving features are implemented to optimize battery life in remote and off-grid locations, and weather-resistant enclosures protect the sensor nodes from harsh environmental conditions. By deploying this wireless-based sensor system, users can gain valuable real-time insights into water quality in surface and groundwater monitoring locations.
R. N. Singh; A.S. Atkins; A.G. Pathan
Ground water and surface water create a range of problems in lignite mining utilizing surface mining methods. In order to create a safe and economic mining environment, it is essential to carry out mining after dewatering the rock mass surrounding the lignite mines by advance dewatering techniques. This ...
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Ground water and surface water create a range of problems in lignite mining utilizing surface mining methods. In order to create a safe and economic mining environment, it is essential to carry out mining after dewatering the rock mass surrounding the lignite mines by advance dewatering techniques. This paper briefly describes the ground water regimes including pressure gradients associated with various lignite deposits together with the practical examples of some important lignite deposits in the world. An effective method of controlling ground water in multi-aquifer environment in lignite deposits is to carry out rock mass dewatering using borehole pumps. This approach will help reducing the inflow rates of ground water to the mining excavation and also increase the effective strength of the overburden strata, thus, increasing the slope stability of the mining excavations. The main theme of this paper is to present a case history analysis of Thar lignite deposit in Sindh, Pakistan which has lignite reserves of some 193 billion tonnes. The paper presents a proposed method of dewatering the Thar prospect together with an assessment of the quality of aquifer water which can be used to improve the quality of life of people inhabiting in the Thar Desert area of Sindh, Pakistan. Water samples from three aquifers were collected from nine different locations and were analyzed in the laboratory for evaluating their physical and chemical characteristics. The test results indicated that the aquifer water can be classified as (sodium+ potassium) – chloride type water with a TDS range of 1000 to 20,000 mg/L. Consequently, this ground water is classified as brackish (saline water) requiring treatment before it can be utilised for domestic or industrial consumptions. It should be noted that this ground water does not contain heavy metals and toxic metals including arsenic, mercury and lead or cyanide. However, results indicate that groundwater from a few locations contained traces of silver (<4oppb)Owithozinc0<0.1ppm.