Volume 16 (2025)
Volume 15 (2024)
Volume 14 (2023)
Volume 13 (2022)
Volume 12 (2021)
Volume 11 (2020)
Volume 10 (2019)
Volume 9 (2018)
Volume 8 (2017)
Volume 7 (2016)
Volume 6 (2015)
Volume 5 (2014)
Volume 4 (2013)
Volume 3 (2012)
Volume 2 (2011)
Volume 1 (2010)
A New Proposed Model for Early Kick Detection in Drilling Operation Using Machine Learning

Mustafa Yasser Elgindy; Ahmed Zakaria Nooh; Ali Mostafa Wahba

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 20 November 2024


  Kick monitoring, detection, and control are key elements to ensure safe drilling operations and avoid catastrophic blow-out incidents that can cause loss of life, equipment, and environmental damage. Conventional kick detection systems such as the pit volume totalizer and the flow in/out sensors identify ...  Read More

Rock Mechanics
Artificial Intelligence Tool for Prediction of Mine Tailings Dam Slope Stability

Kapoor Chand; Ved Kumar; Priyanshu Raj; Nikita Sharma; Amit Kumar Mankar; Radhakanta Koner

Volume 16, Issue 1 , January 2025, , Pages 127-142


  Failure of tailings dams is a major issue in the mining industry as it critically impacts the environment and life. A major cause of the failure of tailings dams is the unplanned depositing of tailings and the increase in saturation due to rainfall events. This study using numerical modelling and artificial ...  Read More

Integration of Airborne Geophysics Data with Fuzzy c-means Unsupervised Machine Learning Method to Predict Geological Map, Shahr-e-Babak Study Area, Southern Iran

Moslem Jahantigh; Hamid Reza Ramazi

Volume 16, Issue 1 , January 2025, , Pages 273-289


  Fuzzy c-means (FCM) is an unsupervised machine learning algorithm. This method assists in integrating airborne geophysics data and extracting automatic geological map. This paper tries to combine airborne geophysics data consisting of aeromagnetic, potassium, and thorium layers to classify the lithological ...  Read More

Predicting Open Pit Mine Production using Machine Learning Techniques: A Case Study in Peru

Marco Antonio Cotrina Teatino; Jairo Jhonatan Marquina Araujo; Eduardo Manuel Noriega Vidal; Jose Nestor Mamani Quispe; Johnny Henrry Ccatamayo Barrios; Joe Alexis Gonzalez Vasquez; Solio Marino Arango Retamozo

Volume 15, Issue 4 , October 2024, , Pages 1345-1355


  The primary objective of this research was to apply machine learning techniques to predict the production of an open pit mine in Peru. Four advanced techniques were employed: Random Forest (RF), Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), and Bayesian Regression (RB). The methodology ...  Read More

Analysis of Concentration of Ambient Particulate Matter in the Surrounding Area of an Opencast Coal Mine using Machine Learning Techniques

Podicheti Ravi Kiran; Ramchandar Karra

Volume 15, Issue 3 , May 2024, , Pages 961-976


  Opencast coal mines play a crucial role in meeting the energy demands of a country. However, the operations will result in deterioration of ambient air quality, particularly due to particulate emissions. The dispersion of particulate matter will vary based on the mining parameters and local meteorological ...  Read More

Ground Water Quality Analysis using Machine Learning Techniques: a Critical Appraisal

Naman Chandel; Sushindra Kumar Gupta; Anand Kumar Ravi

Volume 15, Issue 2 , April 2024, , Pages 419-426


  Groundwater is an essential resource for human survival, but its quality is often degraded by the human activities such as improper disposal of waste. Leachate generated from landfill sites can contaminate groundwater, causing severe environmental and health problems. Machine learning techniques can ...  Read More

A Promising Automatic System for studying of Coal Mine Surfaces using Sentinel-2 Data to Assess a Classification on a Pixel-based Pattern

Ajay Kumar

Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2024, , Pages 41-54


  Land use (LU) classification based on remote sensing images is a challenging task that can be effectively addressed using a learning framework. However, accurately classifying pixels according to their land use poses a significant difficulty. Despite advancements in feature extraction techniques, the ...  Read More

Rate of Penetration Prediction in Drilling Operation in Oil and Gas Wells by K-nearest Neighbors and Multi-layer Perceptron Algorithms

Yahia ElSayed Khamis; Shady Galal El-Rammah; Adel M Salem

Volume 14, Issue 3 , July 2023, , Pages 755-770


  The rate of penetration plays a key role in maximizing drilling efficiency, so it is essential for the drilling process optimization and management. Traditional mathematical models have been used with some success to predict the rate of penetration in drilling. Due to the high complexity and non-linear ...  Read More

Artificial Neural Network Modeling as an Approach to Limestone Blast Production Rate Prediction: a Comparison of PI-BANN and MVR Models

Blessing Olamide Taiwo; Gebretsadik Angesom; Yewuhalashet Fissha; Yemane Kide; Enming Li; Kiross Haile; Oluwaseun Augustine Oni

Volume 14, Issue 2 , April 2023, , Pages 375-388


  Rock blast production rate (BPR) is one of the most crucial factors in the evaluation of mine project's performance. In order to improve the production of a limestone mine, the blast design parameters and image analysis results are used in this work to evaluate the BPR. Additionally, the effect of rock ...  Read More

Application of Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Haul Truck Fuel Consumption in Open-Pit Mines

S. Alamdari; M.H. Basiri; A. Mousavi; A. Soofastaei

Volume 13, Issue 1 , January 2022, , Pages 69-85


  The haul trucks consume a significant energy source in open-pit mines, where diesel fuel is widely used as the main energy source. Improving the haul truck fuel consumption can considerably decrease the operating cost of mining, and more importantly, reduce the pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions. ...  Read More

A Comparative Study on Machine Learning Algorithms for Geochemical Prediction Using Sentinel-2 Reflectance Spectroscopy

Muhammad Ahsan M.; T. Celik; B. Genc

Volume 12, Issue 4 , October 2021, , Pages 987-1001


  The distribution of stream sediments is usually considered as an important and very useful tool for the early-stage exploration of mineralization at the regional scale. The collection of stream samples is not only time-consuming but also very costly. However, the advancements in space remote sensing ...  Read More

A Comparative Study of SVM and RF Methods for Classification of Alteration Zones Using Remotely Sensed Data

N. Mahvash Mohammadi; A. Hezarkhani

Volume 11, Issue 1 , January 2020, , Pages 49-61


  Identification and mapping of the significant alterations are the main objectives of the exploration geochemical surveys. The field study is time-consuming and costly to produce the classified maps. Therefore, the processing of remotely sensed data, which provide timely and multi-band (multi-layer) data, ...  Read More